are you team Kenny or Spenny?
For me it's Goldfield
the best part of this show was the time kenny tried to be his smarmy faggot self but didn't have his camera crew to defend him, got flattened by some dads playing softball or something. Hilarious, best part of the show, little faggot.
Spenny is the whiniest bitch in the universe, so team Kenny
>for you
That was the episode where they had to piss off the most people to win.
t. Spenny
Kenny vs Retard
>Who can bang the most women
>Who can piss off more people
>first one to be mean
Spenny for sure.
The show would've been 10 times better if they actually took the challenges seriously, it's why I think Season 1 is the best.
Spenny did take them seriously, so seriously he was boderline neurotic about it
octopus episode arguably one of the funniest episodes. tongue butter, shit bubble and TS the best humiliations.
Imitate eachother second best episode after biggest fart of course
It could have been good that way and the episodes where it’s a pure competition are definitely not bad but I don’t think it would have been as memorable. Considering it’s at least semi scripted it made more sense for Kenny to antagonize Spenny so their personalities to be clashing constantly
But Kenny didn't. He would always cheat and lie, classic Jew tricks, it always pissed me off.
Spenny was no saint either. He cheated a decent amount and revealed himself to be an unachieving dick throughout the course of the show. They both deserve eachother anyone who argues for one of above the other misses the point
>tfw acted like spenny so much that my friends called me spenny boy for a while
No shit, but the main difference was that Kenny never hid the fact he was a cheating jew, while Spenny would try to endlessly justify it rather than just embrace it.
Island Episode, for example. Kenny point blank admits his entire purpose is rip the broadcaster off for money and have a Cuban vacation on their dime, while Spenny still tries to do some bullshit camp out.
Spenny did his share of cheating too. For the "Who can cum the most" episode, he filled his bottle with shampoo because he couldnt cum. Then he immediately told the truth when Kenny was upset that he lost, even after cheating
Oh Spenny Boy, is that you? Fuck we haven't caught up for ages man.
shut up
>it's a Spenny attempts suicide episode
>while Spenny still tries to do some bullshit camp out
Because Spenny is based and wanted to entertain his fans. Kenny's laziness got the show cancelled.
>Spenny's entertaining guiz!!!
>He's so entertaining!!!
Kenny literally sums up your average inner-city Redditor. Cope.
Go rape some kittens, spenny
>Posting negresses
>he doesnt know