What did it do right?
What did it do wrong?
Would you Tim Curry?
Is the cult-like following akin to the phenomenon of Baneposting?
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Other urls found in this thread:
>More tits
>No, but yes Rocky or Magenta or Janet
So everyone in the house were aliens? Why'd they dress like the Addams family?
Clue made me absolutely fall in love with Tim Curry as an actor. He's brilliant.
he was amazing as Long John Silver in Muppet Treasure Island
He's so underrated. I love him.
this movie was the start of the degeneration of western culture and morals. also it was the start of trannies
>It eclipses Baneposting
Holy shit that brings me back, I think my dad showed me that movie when I was super young.
>What did it do right?
Went all-in on the campiness
>What did it do wrong?
Blew it's load too early
>Would you Tim Curry?
>Is the cult-like following akin to the phenomenon of Baneposting?
Shock Treatment is underrated.
It sucks , had to go to midnight show with this girl I wanna fucking, like 30 years ago. Horrible. Only one ok song, drags on and just degeneracy.
Okay brad
The only thing I dislike about RHPS is that the ending doesn't give much of a conclusion to Brad and Janet. Things just get kind of crazy and then the thing ends.
Fucking cringy shit. Saw it live and it was terrible.
>We're so shocking look at our degeneracy we're so filthy join us ;) ;)
Lack of pretense
Total nonsense
Would you?
I would not.
The cult?
Older than you and me - transcends Yas Forums and everything post 1999.
>What did it do wrong?
The audio quality on some of the songs is so atrocious you can't understand anything they're saying. It's particularly bad in the second half.
Bud, he is in now way underrated.
Oh shut the fuck up. Liking the movie doesnt make you a tranny you sanctimonious faggot.
Me knows what we'll be a watching this night
Frank n furter,Magenta and Riff Raff were
I'm pretty sure everyone else was just a hedonistic acolyte
I always forgot that movie when I share my favorites. Great film.
not everyone. columbia and eddie were groupies. everyone else (other than the remaining core cast members) could go either way
I agree. It had good music.
old faggot, just kill yourself, you embarrassing piece of shit.
it did nothing wrong.
It was a bit gay but now it's tame
LOL what made u awesoom he was old? XD
the only thing wrong with it is that Tim curry looks like my dad whe he was young
I would let her punch my balls