Post documentaries that are objectively full of shit.
Pic related
>Claimed that animals had a "language" something that has not been proven.
>Had an animal rights advocate speaking out of expertise
>Had employees who were fired for ANIMAL ABUSE talking about how badly the animals were abused.
>Several former employees claimed that their words were taken out of context.
>Lied about the lifespan of the killer whale in the wild to make Seaworld look worse
This film was just objectively full of shit.
Post documentaries that are objectively full of shit
Other urls found in this thread:
>Claimed that animals had a "language" something that has not been proven
It's pretty obvious whales (and dolphins) can communicate with their own kind. It's been observed that Dolphins even have accents.
Yeah, but language has a distinct meaning. If I say "I like this food" that is different than "this food, I like it" even though it means the same thing. Of course animals can recognize and produce certain pitches and noises for things, but it is not as complex as a language.
>It's been observed that Dolphins even have accents.
Stop making shit up
eat shit, you sea world jew
>If I say "I like this food" that is different than "this food, I like it" even though it means the same thing
You're actually retarded
Cute! Big fishy!!
Yummy bicky bits
>food analogy
>Had employees who were fired for ANIMAL ABUSE talking about how badly the animals were abused
this one seems legit though, they're the ones who'd know
Literally fake news
This is the worst thread I’ve ever seen
This "documentary" was obviously made by Jews. I wonder how many Ron Paulbots and Bernie Bros were indoctrinated by it.
>orcas have been observed in the wild living up to 100
>ask any seaworld employee what the average lifespan is
>15-20 years
I had a teacher in high school who was fired for showing this to the class. One of the religious students complained and the teacher threatened the principle.
>Up to
These are two different things.
based retard
fuck killer whales praise great whites ok
Very smart
1 gold star for you
he has a point though
if i go around saying i love sucking cocks and actually mean it
that doesn't mean i'm gay or anything
The average orca lives twice as long as one living in seaworld
Blackfish is eye-rollingly simplistic and anyone with two brain cells can tell that sea world was abusing its animals. Gee whiz, we put these massive animals in swimming pools, who’d of known that they are suffering?
Blackfish highlighted a problem that affects practically no one except dumb fat american tourists who associate their self worth with keeping whales in cages. Fuck everything about sea world but don’t act like it’s a Greek tragedy.
Making a murderer ignored key evidence and downplayed a lot of facts
This one, obviously.
He was so full of shit. He straight up lied on several things, including a family history of heart problems.
He also heavily implied that supersized was not a sharing option. It's clearly meant for 2 people
This must be one of the most deeply stupid things I've read on this board in a while, including posts that try very hard to be intentionally very stupid.
>Claimed that animals had a "language" something that has not been proven.
animals do have language what the fuck are you talking about?
the mother screaming for her baby on long distance frequencies was heart breaking
Are you vegan?
why? am i not allowed to have empathy because i eat meat?
It's just funny to point out your obviously conflicting beliefs.
Animals can understand basic shit like option 1 or option 2 but they don't have languages.
(((Hanoch Ben-Yami)))