Worst girl, skipped all the scenes with her on my rewatch

Worst girl, skipped all the scenes with her on my rewatch

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Gorgeous semen demon

she looks exactly like my RA from back in university. fuck all i wanted was for her to sit on my face for extended periods of time

Yeah she was pretty bad, which is a shame since the actress is fucking smoking. I think on my last rewatch Megan annoyed me the most of all the Draper girls, since she takes up so much time on screen, but I think we can all agree that the worst character overall is goddam Glen.

The part where he's checking out her feet and running his hand through the grass was kino

Megan is bad but she's a whole 'nother level of hot

Also yeah, adult Glen is insta skip territory for me

Also, Connie is pretty bad too IMO, don't like the scenes with him either. Honestly the best part of Mad Men are the office politics

shout out to betty van nuys, best girl making bets jealous

>she looks exactly like my

Why do people say "oh dude she totally looks like someone I know!" No one gives a fuck because no one knows who you are. This shit is irritating as fuck. No one cares.

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for me, it's the waitress girl

the comedian's wife was by far the worst

Abigail Spencer is a fine actress, the storyline was never all that interesting

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for me it's rectified and all her fappening masturbation videos

Her leaks were very intimate, I almost didn't fap to them

she is really great on rectify and she's hotter on that show because she rarely wears makeup and her hair is a mess a lot, there's something really hot about that to me

The show is also pure kino.

>you can never go back
>you do not belong anywhere

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I'm watching it for the first time (just finished the 3rd season) and it is really great. I like that it's not afraid to eschew episodic storytelling or provide the viewer with the catharsis of release like most shows do every episode. It's also really cool that Ray McKinnon, the Reverend from Deadwood, created it and wrote every episode

>Megan is bad but she's a whole 'nother level of hot
What a shit taste desu.


Based and redpilled

this, I dont understand it either

This is now a FUCK MARRY KILL thread

I'll start

Fuck Peggy
Marry Joan
Kill Megan

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Fuck Betty
Kill Peggy
Marry Hildy

Marry Faye
Kill Megan
Fuck Bob Benson


For me it's this girl

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Fuck Joan
Kill Megan
Marry Bob Benson

Were they a figment of his imagination or did hippies actually live like that in the 60s?

You just KNOW

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They were just swingers or something, too rich to be hippies


Her and Pete's neighbor are tied for me

They're just old money people who flew around when commercial air flights became a thing.

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Joy was great. I loved the first California sequence. Really felt like they captured the spirit of the East vs West coast, and how that intersected with Don’s personality, advertising, and reason for them being there. Pretty kino

>girl tempting Don to surrender to pleasure and run away from his problems.
>her name is Joy.

10/10 genius writing.