Well thats a wrap

well thats a wrap
i guess barely anyone even still watches that here, but today was the series finale

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I'm sad nobody cares about this show anymore. Likes it very much and will watch the last episode tomorrow.


what happened? was he a terrorist? only watched the first couple episodes

Was who a terrorist? This was a pretty solid series when it was a solid series. Definitely better than House of Cards or a lot of other trash.

I stopped watching after the guy got hanged and she forgot about him to fuck underage Muslim children

Pretty much, but she always was a mental case

did she get those sweet lil titties out at all this season?

did the terrorists win?

can you summ up the last 7 seasons?
i haven't seen it since 2012 when my love for Danes and cable tv was at it's highest

Finale was a bit of a disappointment.
Also Carrie should have died, preferably in failure with a nuclear holocaust as a result. She deserved it for her sins.
Not terrible, not great.

Overall an ok final season
Overall a pretty great show, a couple weak seasons, but several great seasons and a few okay ones.
I will miss Crazy Carrie.

I hope based Yvgeny never finds out Carrie is using him. He seemed so happy.

Crazy Carrie got influenced by Traitor Brody Who Loves His Country and become a double agent pretending to be a defector but really a spy asset for Saul "Goodman" Berenson.

Did we ever find out who the mole is? The one who gives the guy a razorblade in season one?

Oh shit I missed it, didn’t see any torrents up this afternoon so I forgot about it. Hope the twist at the end was decent

before watching the finale, gonna guess saul fakes his death to trick the russians
gonna be finna disapoint if its that simple

He not

Is it so much to ask that just once a show ends with everything going to shit? Perfect opportunity to have crazy carrie cause a nuclear holocaust but no, we gotta have the optimistic ending.

>Since 1998, Danes remains banned from the Philippines and her films also remain banned in the region. The ban came after Danes described Manila, capital of the country to have "smelled of cockroaches, with rats all over, and that there is no sewage system, and the people do not have anything – no arms, no legs, no eyes".
does that include Homeland?

/our girl/

how many off her meds episodes did they have the last few seasons?

I couldn't do it anymore. I watched every season, but this one. I just couldn't do it anymore.

Wait, Saul makes it to the end? He's bailed on every series that hired him.

Just one when she got tossed into a russian gulag

I don't think they had any this season. Absolutely no KraZy Karrie Kino. Disappointing.

How did it end? Did carrie keep her daughter and pay her credit card bills? What an exciting show.

The ending was ok, better than expected.

carrie gets a russian asset killed
no carrie
you are the russian asset

Why quit here? This season wasn't amazing, but it wasn't terrible. It was watchable and no reason not to finish. Although the finale was kind of meh.

This got 8 seasons but Penny Dreadful got canned after 3, never understand Showtime.

how did it end

I stopped watching around season 3, can anyone recap each season?

I liked the ending, Carrie sacrificed herself for the country and also for Saul.

8 seasons not a single one was awful, it was a good run!!