Will It Ever Recover?

One of my hobbies is watching hollywood fail.
movies and tv were already walking corpses.
can they ever be revived?
hopefully covid was the final push needed to put them in the grave.

Attached: GOODBYE HOLLYWOOD.png (732x822, 296.23K)

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>ywn be as based as the goodbye jews girl

It'll probably take at least 2 years for the box office to get back to where it was before COVID. Any studio dumb enough to release a movie this July-August (Tenet, Wonder Woman) will be lucky to see 50% of what those movies would have made if the chinks would just stop eating bats and snakes.

I've noticed a lot of people pushing an "I hate going to theaters" narrative which I don't really understand. Comfy chairs or recliners, perfect sound, giant screen...what more could you want? No home setup is the same.

But you have to watch the movie surrounded by noisy obnoxious idiots.

>what more could you want?
A theater without mouthbreathers like you coofing and shoving your face full of snacks.

all they have to do is stop making propaganda and remakes/reboots
also fuck capeshit

>fags are responsible for holocaust
Fuck those faggots, man. I hope they all die!

Are incels really celebrating the crashing of the economy? I guess when you're a NEET who lives off of the gubment already it doesn't matter

movies are getting crushed harder than almost anything else.
if youre a car mechanic or something, youre probably still ok

I have a chair that is a hundred times comfier than movie theater chairs, a good sound system and a relatively big screen thay I can just sit closer to, to achieve the same effect as a big screen in a theater.

There is literally zero negatives and only positives. Movie theaters have become like shopping malls. A place poor people, retarded people and black people go to waste time and socialize.

Epic This, FTW.

Redpill me on chairs user

Plus the biggest positive of all: You get to watch the movie with people of your choosing, rather than dozens of random, drooling retards.

This comes at a price, though, and it's the continued disintegration of public life. I'm not defending hollywood, but the death of movie-going is just another example of how people are increasingly shutting themselves into their homes.

theaters had been agonizing for the longest time
no doubt owners will use the isolation as an excuse to get some money for the government, anyway

>people are increasingly shutting themselves into their homes
And that's a good thing

and yet, people now spend more time communicating with others than never in human history

Communicating by computers and phones is not the same thing as face-to-face contact, sperg.

I love how, in the "goodbye jews" scene, all those "poor" Jews are wearing like fur coats and have a ton of expensive luggage. Want to know what "eat the rich" looks like? It looks like this: youtube.com/watch?v=WbYNpTs_cx8

>A place poor people, retarded people and black people go to waste time and socialize.
i think this is the major driver behindt he demographics and woke shit we see in the industry too.

middle class whites do not goto movies because they have better options at home.

so they make movies for only audience left for them to cater too. it is why capeshit and race swapped crap is vomited out every year.

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hollywood's been at risk of dying in the past, but they always adapted and survived. indie/foreign film becomes more innovative as the hollywood machine begins to stagnate. hollywood starts taking their cues from indie/foreign film, things become fresh again, and the cycle continues.

this time though, I'm not seeing them adapt. they imitate foreign film, mostly Japanimation, but they don't seem to understand why it works so well. they're not actually evolving, they're just trying to imitate.

And it's great if you're the only one in the theater. But if the room is even 25-50% full, you're dealing with bad seating and noise. There are only maybe 20 seats that have a proper view of the screen and they're always the first to get filled.

If I'm on an aisle seat then I'm getting a refund.

>can they be revived?
i hope not

Name one good reason why I should watch a movie in theaters if I can pirate it and play it on my big screen tv

True, and they were transphobes opposing the tranny nazi regime

>what more could you want?
Some good movies to watch.

why did tickets sold peak in 2002? did anything happen that year specifically?

>I hate movies and tv
Then why are you even on this board faggot

>movies get worse and more samey
>less people want to pay to see them
hmm, if only there was a solution to this....

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I have my own 120" Dolby Atmos cinema with multiple comfy chairs. Why would I pay to go and sit amongst loud, smelly cretins who do nothing but shovel grease down their pieholes?

chairs without bedbugs would be nice

Who wants to go outside? There's niggers and spics out there.