What the fuck is this

what the fuck is this

Attached: MV5BZGEyNWY3ZDQtMmE2NS00NTFlLWE5YjctYTUwOGU4NzhmZWQ2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjM3MTM2MzA@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,666,1000_AL_.jpg (666x1000, 107.42K)

>what the fuck is this


Kill yourself zoomer faggot.



i reckon it's some kind of kino

kino dallas multi-pass

Kino faggot.

Attached: so youre saying theres a chance.jpg (296x170, 5.04K)

>one of the best and realistic depictions of the future
>Prime Willis
>Hot Mila
>Hilarious Garry Oldman
>Meme Chris Tucker
>Talented (back then) Luc Besson
>Tarantino level script
>Good action and comedy mix

Its kino. One of a "Must watch kino" kind.


>what the fuck is this

That's exactly what your parents said when they saw what their son (you) had chosen as his "life."



Kino, bitch.

straightoids are a disease

A perfect afternoon kino to watch in a rainy day.
From the time blockbuster hits didn't need a trilogy or a prequel.

unironically one of my favs

Cineagenic Kinography

French-American kino

One of the last great sci-fi flicks.


Bessons worst

I want to fuck that blue alien thing.

Forgot born after 2001 spotted.

Attached: CollageMaker_20200426_203916827.jpg (720x540, 390.81K)

Aziz! Light!

That's not Valerian.

>terrible ending

it was supposed to get a sequel to explain the big huge ball of space chocolate


>terrible poster

the best scifi from the mid 90s

Yeah, what the fuck is it? It's some kind of Die Hard in space but boring.

Everyone who said Kino is wrong, it's a solid 7/10 for me. And that's on a real scale, not a journalist one.

fun, but ultimately overrated trash

timeless kino


Attached: MULTIPASS.webm (1920x800, 1.63M)

Would love a remake or sequel.

Attached: 1586793315235.jpg (1080x1125, 138.53K)

Die Hard: The Next Generation

Jesus, the one with the dyed hair looks like she's growing up to be an exact copy of her.

Almost as if she was her daughter or something.