This movie was obviously shit but also kind of fun. I enjoyed more than pretty much all MCU shit

This movie was obviously shit but also kind of fun. I enjoyed more than pretty much all MCU shit.

Attached: X-Men-8-Apocalypse.jpg (2000x3000, 635.41K)

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that girl in blue costume was so hot that MCU wouldnt dare to put this on screen

It was fun schlock that wasn't trying to be funny like the MCU

Yeah. It’s better than Dark Phoneix, which is just bad.

It's only better than Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Black Panther and Captain Marvel.

Most of the XMen movies have been better than the MCU since they seem to have a tendency to be more grounded and take the material more seriously without slathering everything in irony.

>tendency to be more grounded
>take the material more seriously
You really just said that with a straight face?


Kill yourself

Tye Sheridan and Ben Hardy and Evan Peters are relentlessly handsome.

I mean, at least the X-Men don't try to hamfist a joke every three sentences.

X-Men movies didn’t follow a formula and actually tried new shit, and weren’t constant origin stories.
If they had done the X-Men like MCU it’d be Wolverine 1, Cyclops: First X-Man, Nightcrawler 1, Wolverine 2, and then an X-Men movie for “phase 1.”

This. X-Men had the right balance of being serious with just the right amount of light-heartedness instead of forcing cringy quips into everything.

X2 is one of my fav capeshit movies and scene where that brainwashed mutant girl is injected with adamantium is one of most brutal deaths within pg13 rating. The way it's leaking from her eyes and nose is just gruesome.

It was absolute garbage and I genuinely felt unhappy I wasted my time afterwards

the scene where Quicksilver gets to the mansion right when the explosion happens is one of the most kino moments in history.

That was hot

>its watchable
>the story feels epic in some spots.
>the story is rushed in some spots
>Apocalypse is 5'9" instead of 7' and that's annoying
>Jennifer Lawrence is cancer on this franchise.
>Missed a great redemption story in there somewhere with literally anyone.
>Michael Fasbender is a saving grace.
>James McAvoy is a saving grace too.
>Missed opportunity for Cable.

Its not a pile of trash, its just missing some fine tuning.

why do all you little autist say Kino? do you think it makes you look cool?

I've caught it on tv a couple of times and honestly, I didn't mind it.

Attached: x-men wolverine punch.webm (654x480, 966.55K)

also side note, this is the first Xmen meme from many moons ago

Attached: XMENSERIOUS.jpg (765x577, 50.43K)

Shut it, nerd.

Attached: rogue x-men tree murder.webm (640x480, 2.25M)

I can't take that cunt Lawrence seriously as Mystique.

Attached: 1561736989952.webm (1280x532, 2.88M)

I didnt like Dark Phoenix very much, I think it was mediocre but not really much worse than the average capeshit.

Apocalypse is camp kino tho. Both the movie and the character.

I hated so much

why would you writte mystic as the leader of x men bitch can't act for shit

first class and DOTFP was kino but apocalypse and dark phoenix were utter shit

fuck jennifer lawrence

Attached: mystique-jennifer-lawrence-x-men-x-men-dark.jpg (1020x385, 34.69K)

Attached: Mystique.webm (1168x480, 2.8M)

Apocalypse and Origins are both camp kino

First Class and DOFP were so good that it was hard to hate apocalypse and it just kept getting worse with dark phoenix.

You look as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

Wolverine, Cyclops, and Nightcrawler never had solo comic book titles. Iron Man, Cap, Thor, Hulk all did and then they did The Avengers comic. The MCU probably would have done the original X-Men then teased Wolverine at the end.

Too many broads.
How bout they make an actual good flic for the fellas

Attached: 1567738776431.webm (640x480, 1.24M)

Wolverine had a solo book but yeah not before The X-Men.