That doesn't look like any cheese I've ever seen, Gromit

>That doesn't look like any cheese I've ever seen, Gromit...

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god this series is just boring and unfunny

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If you've got a problem with Wallace and Gromit then you've got a problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinate


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not even Wromg Trousers?

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Go back

what was his fucking problem?

flooding "le wrong opinion" with funny reactions is basically as reddit as reddit itself so Im staying

That's true.

You don't like Wallace & Gromit?

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Anybody else get a uncanny valley unsettling feeling with claymation? It always feels not right

Wallace used to really creep me out, it's the teeth mainly.

The color of his skin

The models in the first episode are awful in retrospect, they look creepy as hell. Plus the whole aesthetic of the early episodes is off in a weird way I can't put my finger on. It's like they took place in a SCP/Twilight Zone type world, there's nothing explicitly weird but something implacable is really fucking wrong.

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>Aardmann will never release the redacted episodes

it's pretty easy to answer why you feel like that.
they look like unanimated objects you can touch, but instead they move around.
it's natural that it feels creepy

>t. zoom zooooooom
wallace and gromit is peak comfy. literally gives me warm and fuzzy memories.

That's an imageboard thing, reddit just likes to take screencaps of it. It's going on long before reddit was even a twinkle in your newfaggot eye.

Best villain in film history.

no newfriend
pointless shutting off of opinions with soijaks and whatnot is a postelection tourist thing
back then when it happened it was either funny or you had an occasional actual reply in between
not so nowadays. now its just "board unapproved opinion? better warm up that image folder"


Based Wallace passed on her because she didn’t like cheese.

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is there any other comfycore kino like wallace & grommit?

Contrarian, or underage, or both.

One of the comfiest things
Curse of the Were-Rabbit was kino

>Oh look it's Wallace and Gromit just about the most inoffensive thing ever but I want the kids on Yas Forums to think I'm cool I know I'll say it stinks lol I'm so contrarian

It's all so fucking tiresome.

literally top tier stop motion kino retard

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Creature Comforts

Pat & Mat

I actually just wanted to test if anyone actually bothers with being not mindless "durrhurr" types about it. Basically theory testing. If anyone could explain how its neither of those things instead.
I dont hate it, I am not into it either. I like the moon short

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what the fuck are you even trying to achieve

that looks amazing
also the atmosphere and aesthetic of the first one are amazing, especially the moon