Damn, Jurassic World 3 looks like THAT?

Damn, Jurassic World 3 looks like THAT?

Attached: 1587941151892.webm (854x480, 2M)

Trannies want you to believd that THIS is how dinosaurs looked


I'm not studied on this, what's the evidence for there being feathered dinosaurs like this? Why is that becoming a current belief?

There's fossils with preserved feather fuzz

Attached: jurassic_flight_school_02.jpg (835x502, 123.25K)

i thought it was going to take a shit on the small bird there for a sec

>the mental midgets from Yas Forums think this isn't based

yeah same

Thots trying to slide into my DMs (2020, colorized).

>dinosaurs fighting on freshly mowed grass

they could've at least picked a more chaotic looking park to complete the illusion when compositing the dinosaurs.

A Mowersaur cleatly lives in the area you idiot

Imagine seeing feathered dinosaurs and immediately speculating on the collective opinion of an image board.

Attached: 1586185867255.png (368x500, 85.17K)

>not a single proof that dinosaurs had feathers

Why are they fighting on the Teletubbies set

Was there even grass in dino times?

because archeologists are constantly researching things like this. why the fuck else

it's been the belief for 30 years

Attached: dinofight.webm (854x480, 2.64M)

I hate feathers on Dinos and featherfags, but there is in fact difinitive proof some theropods and most dromeosaurs had feathers.

Attached: Spino swim.webm (854x480, 2.79M)

it’s a matter of faith. evidence isn’t necessary as long as you believe

Teletubbies were the first humans as foretold by the sun baby, keep with lore.

Attached: mosasaur vs dinosaur.webm (854x480, 2.94M)

no, it evolved shortly after their extinction, but it's in the modern day anyway

based and birdpilled

Did anyone else think the pink bird was going to fart all over the second blue bird that attacked haha

A colorful derivative yet soulful Jurassic World rip-off directed by Ang Lee? Why yes, I wouldn't mind.

Attached: DDAABA29-B1AE-48FC-B498-C15C09AC0E09.png (483x470, 183.71K)

is this from a documentary or something?

>*archaeopteryx's in your path*

Amazing Dino World.

Attached: Azhdarcho.webm (854x480, 2.92M)

Attached: winter.webm (854x480, 2.93M)


Attached: Jurassic Park-2.webm (640x347, 2.69M)

Mosasaurus weren't even the craziest of the ancient sea monsters, pic related Shonisaurus grew to 21m long, bigger than any mosasaurs

Attached: 20200101_134215.jpg (4608x2592, 2.58M)


stupid asian history channel shit.

why are theropods so cool?

sauropods, on the other hand, are so extremely fucking lame...

not all therapods had feathers. For example, our most complete skeletons like tyrannosaurs indicate that they probably didn't have them.

Feathers have only been found on small two legged dinosaurs and even then most of those have been found in China where stuff like that is faked all the time by chineese. Even then the real issue is that feather fags believe ALL dinosaurs were covered in feathers when most have been proven not to dur to skin imprints and other evidence such as the theory that it would make large Dinos waaaaay to hot

Theres absolutely no reason for creatures if this size and stature to have feathers. Featherfags never learn.

>believing Dinosaurs existed

It's not too late to repent but we are getting there with the corona virus