>OH N-

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time traveler harvey weinstein in the back

The worlds answer to neo-noir.

>It was revenge for Jack Kennedy. And a lot of other things.

>Kennedy was the president and Oswald wasn't. And we had to sit there and take it.

>YIKES, boy I sure am glad that's not me!

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>OH N-

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>It was revenge for the Tet Offensive, and a lot of other things.

I'll have what he's having!

I don't get it

I shot the sheriff

The dude with the gun had a pizza shop like 15 minutes from where I grew up. Apparently it was pretty good.

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does anyone have the shop of this picture where they're all playing an instrument?

>guy in the back

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but i didn´t shot the kennedy

Post the marky mark one



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A den of theives and scoundrels, the lot of them

Pic related, the only good thing to come out of Dallas

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rooney's role in this was SO fucked up and should never be tolerated but man whenever i see this picture i die laughing

we have green signs in pennsylvania too

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based arvn

woah guys don’t google Jack Ruby’s real name and discover the mob wasn’t what you thought it was

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fucking kino

Shutup faggot

>Oh, Nguyen!

Reminder he got what he deserved.

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>lee harvey oswald was 24 when he killed kennedy

What have you done with your life user?

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Reminder. He was charged with having a gun in an airport and released on probation.

every fucking state has them

Houston we have a problem.

swing and a mis


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