Going into it blind lads, is it actually good? What & who do you like? I've been playing way too much Crusader Kings 2
The Last Kingdom Discussion
netflix is fucked for a lot of people right now so most are sailing the high seas to even watch it
It has the most unlikable protagonist in tv history. But it is better than Vikings, has some memes and shield walls.
Alfred is immeasurably based.
early on id say thats true but he mellows in a lot of ways in later seasons
How did such a based king as Alfred produce such a fucking faggot as Edward?
ck2 sucks. Retinues have been overpowered since day 1 and tribal retinues may as well be an auto win button.
>are ya winnin son?
I'm waiting for a pirated version that isn't a rip. Netflix shit is bit starved to begin with it doesn't need any help looking worse.
Does anyone have that picture of the main actor holding that gift in front of a christmas tree? fuck me is it ever good.
they're having bandwidth issues, too many people not enough pipe.
I just can't stand Uthred. Shit character played by a shit actor. What a waste of decent production design.
Season 3 was great. Skade being one downside but it worked out in the end.
When can Brida just fucking leave the show? She has become the most annoying character on the show.
Best part of s4 so far is Beocca and Pyrlig shitting on Aleswith. The weakest part of the show are the leads, a lot of the supporting cast are great with the highlight still being Leofric.
>The weakest part of the show are the leads, a lot of the supporting cast are great with the highlight still being Leofric.
Alexander Dreymon is a bit of a wet blanket, but as you say a lot of the other actors are good.
The frame story is an old man remembering how dumb he was as a kid what did you expect some mary sue genius?
'this show is fucking terrible jesus it's really really bad man
>it's an Uhtred gets laid again episode
Name a protagonist that's suffered more than Uthred
i think it works to his advantage, his character being a low IQ stonk pagan
is this vikings from athelstan's point of view?
It’s Vikings without the faggotry
i miss her bros
It leans more towards the Saxon side but it's a mix of them and Danes really with the main character being a Saxon, orphaned and raised by Danes.
it sucks im sorry
Miss me yet?
>uhtred becomes crazy about whatever mad pussy he is fucking this week episode
Spoil it for me, did they add niggers to the show yet?
It's incredibly racist.
it is a surprisingly entirely white show. constantly makes sjws seethe
Alexander Dreymon pls.
It's depressing to hear, though I think I've saved my time.
Yeah his uncle has a black merc work for him