should Orcs be removed from Amazon's LOTR series due to concerns regarding racial sensitivities?
Should Orcs be removed from Amazon's LOTR series due to concerns regarding racial sensitivities?
Tolkien and Lewis were Giga-Christ Chads
I hope these tranny globalists seethe all over again because of this "drama"
why do all these people look the same
how did I know he would look like that?
is this, unironically, meme magic?
Why not? This is the way the cancel-culture world is now. We were warned about this liberal shit well in advance and chose to embrace it instead of rejecting it. Cant really whine about it now only because it affects shit you like and dont want ruined,
A -1 or -2 to intelligence makes sense if you take into account that an orc would be barred from public education due to racism and that their culture would have oral traditions rather than written traditions, I remember in NWN2 orcs had a penalty to intelligence but a bonus to wisdom
I swear to god it is only white people who have the most obnoxoious bio possible who complain about this inane shit. Did something happen in the last generation to make it so kids growing up lack the distinction between fiction and reality, something that even toddlers are supposed to possess. These people are like a slightly more articulate Chris Chan.
Low T
Aren’t Uruk hai literally made from dead orcs and shit?
Lack of a major war?
please dilate, the wound is closing
That's pretty insulting, desu. I'm sure orcs at least invented the wheel and commit less crime than niggers.
>only white people
Incorrect. I think think of one more important group that you mustn't overlook, if you want the full picture.
bruh they white. They need to virtue signal harder to feel like they aren't the ennemy
all those lord of the rings memes with headlines comparing orcs to illegal migrants and minorities are becoming real... it's the anti-memesis!
>I swear to god it is only white people who have the most obnoxoious bio possible who complain about this inane shit
This. Almost every other "complain" of that sort that I see comes from white people. The West was a mistake and should have never happened
I can't believe his fucking estate needs the money badly enough to fuck his legacy this way. His eldest son was a priest. so no grandchildren from there. The youngest son married a wealthy woman in France. They must have made a mint off the fucking movies. do they REALLY have to lose the franchise now?
Look what that Jew twat who was the "head writer" of The Witcher did to that. Jesus Christ. They have to ruin this now too???
SJW Tranny Faggots, they all are Tranny faggots. These fuckers come into your pastimes and hobbies and you give an inch here and give an inch there to them and they ruin it for you because they are miserable human beings and should be removed. Anime is the last, and they are already attacking that.
Viggo shamed a Spanish far-right party for using Aragorn
Vote Democrat.
its not that orcs are acting like naggers, its that naggers act like orcs instead of the actual separate human race also present in d&d lore that has all colors and eye slants
>barred from public education due to racism
You mean they didn't actually invent public education themselves. Also
>public education in a medieval fantasy setting
And you thought project mockingbird was bad kek
>These fuckers come into your pastimes and hobbies and you give an inch here and give an inch there to them and they ruin it for you because they are miserable human beings and should be removed.
Cool it with the anti-semitism, user.
Reading that description I wouldn't have immediately jumped to the conclusion that orcs=black people, yet there are woke people on twitter right now drawing that conclusion... Doesn't it strike anyone as odd that the ones who shout the loudest about hidden racism seem to have the most race oriented thoughts?
ill take a 1000 fags before ill take 1 nog
>racism should only be used to empower
what did the anti-racist mean by this?
Its not only white people but agreed. For some reason people like this make championing for races theyre lifes mission and autisticly sperg out when they make a random loose connection between things. Real life and fiction bare some similarities but fantasy is a word for a reason.
I'm pretty sure that Uruk-hai are half-breed bastards of humans and orcs. The movies kind of (completely) glossed over this.
i thought it was elves and orcs
I just love when szoyboys reimagine orcs the same way old lefties did black people.
It's interesting how liberals can see similarities between orcs and black people, like the secretly know it's true but have to signal against it. Same with ape/monkey comparisons to blacks, no one gets butthurt if you compare a white person to a gorilla.
They tried this with the warcraft movie, where the "good orcs" were still invading other people's land and refusing to leave. But they kinda felt bad about it. It made no sense.