What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

Attached: article1440485371.jpg (589x403, 27.71K)

Facial deformities and mental problems.
best movie ever made imo

I see it's the same director as Paprika
might have to watch it now

>best movie ever made imo

Attached: MV5BNzY2NzI4OTE5MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjMyNDY4Mw@@._V1_UY1200_CR90,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg (630x1200, 88.06K)

its a drawing

literally me

perfect blue ts great but I prefer millennium actress am I a faggot

he wasn't himself bro

>best movie ever made imo

He was a textbook manchild, it's shocking how even greater his archtype has gained prominence across cultures yet we don't look at him in the same way as all the losers obsessed with K-pop idols or moeblob waifus

I wanted da pussi

get fucked darren

Movies that predicted cultural trends?

Not a movie by Metal Gear Solid 2 predicted the proflieration of useless information through memes

these trends were already there. perfect blue didn't predict shit. jpop idol worshiping has existed since the begining.

It has only gotten more common.


Yeah but cultural portrayal of them still is treated as bring largely benign and eccentric when it should be seen as a symptom of social malaise and mental/emotional instability. The entire anime industry is centred around treating them as kings of their sad fantasies

Perfect Blue was cheap garbage

You've clearly never been on Yas Forums to understand these pop icon obsessions kek

the anime industry panders to 15 year old hormonal teenagers, not 32 year old neet neckbeards. hating on anime because of manchildren is like hating on media where there is a portrayal of children because pedos exist.

reminder the fat cow that dressed as her took sexually advantage of him, mind raped, duped and forced him to do her bidding he wasn't all that much to blame for other than being a pathetic, manipulative loser

I should add the mlp and other juvenile obsessions in the west have never been properly commentated on appropriately by the responsible sections of our society and cultural producers, it should be a sad thing Steven universe is more popular with 30 year old men than it is for children and yet for some strange reason their unhealthy obsession with the characters is seen as something to be celebrated

>not 32 year old neet neckbeards

Attached: 1567695095273.png (1680x3237, 1.95M)

He was a coomer that tried to rape her because she didn't conform to his own idealistic concept of her

Is... Someone saying "You will never be this based" in 2014...? Like based god? WTF.

Based has been around for nearly a decade

did you read my post? neckbears buying that crap is not the norm, at least in japan. people in the west really think that everyone likes anime in japan when that shit is aimed at children.
>Steven universe is more popular with 30 year old men than it is for children
because children find SU boring as fuck and tries to be 2deep4u. also it is obvious that it is aimed at manchildren and the mlp audience.

>Based has been around for nearly a decade

I remember the days of
>based gaben

yeah. gaben hasn't been based in quite a while

using that afroman still as a reaction image is a great idea