ITT: Actors you didn't know were British

ITT: Actors you didn't know were British.

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Rosamund Pike. I was like, bloody hell mate.

He isn’t British, he’s black

Orlando Bloom

House sounded so natural with his American accent.

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yes, he is....niggerish

ITT: literally every good actor from American TV and movies

this nigga

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Naomi Watts. I could've sworn she's australian for some reason

The only Brit with a worse American accent is Charlie Hunnam.

He's a close second, though.

that's a toothy ass grin

oh ..and House has a horrendous american accent

she isn't?

The nigger from Get Out is British

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Charlie Chaplin and Shirley Temple.

That's Parking Pataweyo

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Liverpool is not British you fucking idiot.

Black isn't a country

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I had no idea about this. I remember there's a bit where he does a deliberately bad British accent and Lester and Keema rip on him for it.

I'll always know him as the posh kid in skins


What's his face from the walking dead

And the guy who plays Daredevil, took me years to realise he was the main character in Stardust

Okay. Shut the fuck up.

Richard Harrow in Boardwalk Empire was a surprise. Although he does come from an American film dynasty.

He's ethnically Ghanaian and culturally African-American, nothing remotely British about him
Yes, he has a piece of paper which clarify British citizenship, doesn't make him British though
