/ternobyl/ - /RBMK/ and /ttg/ - Chernobyl & The Terror General

April 26th is Chernobyl day. Let's celebrate.
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Nagaitis fued starts back up WHEN?

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I can't believe Dyatlov was as big an asshole as he was portrayed to be

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it also helps that he was played by the sexiest actor

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Blimey the reactor core LMAO

episode 3 was peak /rbmk/

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I feel terrible for the families left behind

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He should have been the king of rbmk

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technically he is [considering he was one of the few to live.]

One of the biggest regrets was missing the /rbmk/ threads while it was airing.

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This is honestly a heartbreaking pic related :__;

She probably did just that today.

When Boris was /ourguy/. He's barely a whisper now. So sad, user.

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Have you read all the books?

wow hickyposters are gone fr

Chernobyl frens survey

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you called?

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I unironically thought this show was satire with that shit acting.

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comrade edgelord

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Who is the worst? I think my choice would have to be pic related.

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Is he okay?

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yeah, he's just napping

He likes it

Pavel had to shoot that cat. :__;

Stolyarchuk and Kirschenbaum also survived.