>the great debate
The great debate
This is a debate? How could anyone not think the blonde was better looking? Or are we taking personality’s into account too?
Right one is cuter, at least from the pic.
Don't know who either of them are though.
Beck was a cheating whore
Love killed for Joe, Love is a queen
They're both cute, but I'll have to go with the crazy rich asian girl.
literally who?
right is an ugly feminist
>stupid failed writer tinder whore who cheats on you vs. rich cutie who will literally kill for you
It's not even a choice
they should've ended up together even though they kinda did
Literally name after a tennis saying, Forty her brothers name hers being love. Hence the saying 40 Love.
Love. No contest.
right, left looks like she has a live, love laugh sign in her living room
bitch tweeted shit like this so yes
Right was such a qt in that horror show. How did they manage to make her look so gross?
>goes on a date with Joe
>fucks a different guy the same night
WTF BROS, do girls really do this?
yes, tinderinas do
Can't believe I ignored this show for so long. It's delicious slices of cheese served on a golden platter. It's clever, well written, well shot, well acted--the whole package. It even gets the diversity thing right without being fucking preachy about it, all while taking shots at the preachy culture itself. Love this shit. Only flaw is Joe being a giant fucking faggot and pussying out when he gets a glimpse of the real Love.
Right for sure. Top tier yandere
Both could use a bbc in them
beck was a fickle hoe with shit friends
love is a cute and a good cook
joe being a total fag at the end of season 2 was annoying. he literally got exactly what he wanted in love being a psycho cutie
Love > Beck obviously. But joe deserved neither
He wanted a "normal" girl. A basic bitch. A fellow nut kills the excitement.
Love being just as murderous and calculating as he is ruined his fantasy, he wanted to be a knight in shining armour protecting an innocent and fragile girl.
shes not who he wanted, shes who he needed
For me, it's Beck
I miss Beck even though she's dumb as fuck.
Beck is such a terrible person. I hate her character so much. Joe was a psycho, but she totally deserved him.