So what the fuck was the point of this movie?
Its just 2 hours of weird shit for no reason.
Its not even scary.
I guess the sound and the visuals were nice?
So what the fuck was the point of this movie?
go back to Netflix chodenugget
Classic case of a director getting a surprise hit and pressured to do a follow up as quickly as possible, it has so many of the same themes and ideas it's basically a remake of Hereditary
>I'm 9 and need a moral in movies
Midsommar was about the power of friendship for your retarded brain
>white people bad
>christianity bad
>homogenous populations bad
It's made by a jew btw. That's all you need to know
Take your ADD meds and watch it again
The cult was pagan, you fucking retard.
I liked it I'll be honest, but really it didn't feel 'special' in the way a lot of people were shilling. It's a spoopy cult movie on the same level as the Annabelle movies or Insidious. Very similar to movies like blair witch or texas chainsaw massacre/scary movie/cabin in the woods.
>bunch of suburban american college kids go to some location
>they all get killed off one by one in various awful ways
>attractive white girl survives
>some very vague, probably unintentional theme about breakups
Yeah decent but hardly "horror movie of the decade", It's not artsy at all, its a dumb cheap horror movie, don't know why people point to it as this incredibly clever mind fuck. I preferred Get Out and Strangers 2 Come at night.
I also noticed how they didnt show the pussy of that white redhead when she was getting fucked but they did show those ugly fat goblins and the dudes junk.
Also muh may queen hail women
Feels like it was made by some feminist
I need it to be enjoyable since its a movie you know its entertainment
how do people enjoy this and why
Oh, ok. Well refer to the other 6 gorillion movies made by jews that are about christianity bad. This one film made by a jew is about paganism bad. Thanks for the correction
I enjoy all these cheapo horror flicks, guilty pleasure, switch your brain off and watch I guess.
Christianity is bad. Its a religion that says jews are the "chosen people" and everyone on the planet must send them 10 percent of our wage as tithing.
The the ultimate jew propaganda.
>what the fuck was the point of this movie?
it was just a cool fucking movie. what's the point of any movie
Cringe and blue pilled schizo
It's soi horror.
Well the point of horror movies is to scare the audience. This just felt weird
Return of the living dead is great you faggot
Wow Yas Forums I can’t believe white people were portrayed as villains, this is literally white genocide.
Lake Mungo is a masterpiece unironically though.
its just a modern version of wicker man
>all the good horror movies
>"boomer onions"
Name one good scary horror movie then basedboy?
are you fucking retarded (this isn't even an insult I GENUINELY am phrasing that as a question)
It's about how individuals who are isolated and don't recieve any help or love from friends or family will flock to other groups no matter how fucked or bad those groups are
And don't read the seething Jew replies to that post.
the girl was literally drugged and she agreed to kill the boyfriend just out of revenge
im sure she didnt enjoy being in that actual group
are you the fucking retard?
It's a about an ending relationship between a couple, but ofc Yas Forumsincels wouldn't understand one bit.
the relationship had ended before they went to the trip
Yeah, Hereditary was basically a family drama with horror elements. This movie is just a chick flick with some cult/tense elements.
>the quads confirm
yup, its trash. [\discussion]
Imagine being a subhuman incel from pol with a victim complex this pathetic. You should be made into real victims, scum.
that smile at the end says otherwise
It's a treatise on grief, family, and break ups how could anyone miss this?
I remember reading somewhere that girls found it to be a good cry movie.
>It's a breakup movie, guys
I hate when femcels throw that theory out.
>y-you can’t just make a horror movie using Scandinavia as the setting! That’s anti-white!
Get it a grip Cletus.
Good bait
>a ghost story
jesus dude
And in the end they won and empowered our protagonist
Hey incel, you aren’t a victim. There is nothing slightly anti white about this movie. Get a fucking life you brainless loser.
Dani was too fat on the ass.
I will never forget that.
Okay give me one movie from this list that is good
if you cant I will assume this image to be correct and never watch nu-horror again