Aside from Das Boot, Jojo Rabbit and Patton

Any movie where they shown as actual humans without any message about how they were monters in the end?

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The Pianist has a scene with a sympathetic officer who rescues the protag

The Bridge (1959)



Stalingrad 1993

plenty of movies, you just ignore them

But wasn't that movie directed by a literal pedophile Jew? Not sure if I could stomach that.

>everyone knows every movie because I do!
>people can'tbe genuinely new to a genre

Most movies portray Germanoids like that. Unfortunately. There is always some good Germ in these shitty Hollywood flicks.

you're mistaken, this isn't a movie thread it's a /his/ bait thread

Hell, there's more good Nazis in those shitty movies than good Slavs. Piece of shit propaganda.

>ESL and schizophrenia

I wanna fuck a cute Hitlerjugend shota

Every Germanoid deserved a bullet in the head.

Yeah, not really. And one token good guy doesn't change anything when they portray 99% of them as ruthless animals who kill animals for fun and throw Jews off the balcony, which is how they actually portray them.

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They were worse.

People like you are the reason the deep state basically abandoned the Democratic Party and instead infiltrates republicans now. You're insane and literally a repellent for normal people.

No people is inherently evil. There were countless Germans who hated the war and even Hitler.

Though that Germany asked for an armistice and later also surrendered is probably another fact you don't see in many of these Hollywood movies, which might help you in rethinking this thread's raison d'être.

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He killed both animals after this photo was taken and forced a Jew to eat them raw.

The majority of Germans supported Hitler and his conquests until the Nazis started losing.

>you don't see in many of these Hollywood movies, which might help you in rethinking this thread's raison d'être.
You also don't see them starving 3 million Soviet POWs and shooting dead more than one million Balarusian and Ukrainian civilians (not including the Jews).

>Jojo Rabbit
dumbass, that has the worst depiction and most insulting one of krauts. remember when krauts got bombed with phosphorus and burned alive and all that? the movie doesn't, it just all sunshine after evil inferior nazis were defeated.

>t. Rabbi Schlomo

>The majority of Germans supported Hitler and his conquests until the Nazis started losing.
Which a) wasn't your premise (you said all Germans) and b) can happen to any other people, as evidenced by the majority of Americans supporting Middle East meddlings and outright war for decades. As far as the liberal media is concerned, America would encircle Iran and beleaguer Assad forever.

>You also don't see them starving 3 million Soviet POWs and shooting dead more than one million Balarusian and Ukrainian civilians (not including the Jews).
That's every WWII movie.

You can try to soiface this but you can’t deny that the NSDAP and holocaust was the coolest, most original thing to ever happen in modern history. So much so that we’ll still be talking about it for the next 100 years.

I mean, it implies that they systemetically shoot at least all the Nazis, including children. The scene where they kill the rabbit and the Jew girl were cringe, granted.

>Jojo Rabbit
More like Yoyo Rabbi

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>The scene where they kill the rabbit and the Jew girl were cringe
what are you talking about? anyway the whole movies was redit cringe, it seemed as if script consisted of redit and youtube comments.

It showed some Nazis being victims and suffering and some of them being heckin' good guys, like the Sam Rockwell character. For Hollywood standards that's groundbreaking.

the guy was a faggot the whole time, it's not like he changed. how many German do you think were heroic, liberal faggots? it's nowhere near close to being an actual kraut. the movie literally even advocated Jewish supremacism.

No, every WW2 movie made by Muricans is about Jews and only Jews. They don't care about millions of Slavs dying.

Not even Slavs do.