The Hunt

>"We have had to cancel this movie indefinitely because of the offence it causes and the backlash from conservatives"
>Twitter immediately has the usual hot takes by blue hats with pronouns in the bio on how soft Drumpfkins are

Nek minnit

>Movie is finally released
>Actually turns out 99% of the derogatory humour and social commentary is on lefty fags and communists, with one of them even calling the other "comrade" after stabbing some innocent guy in the eye
>Lefty elites are the bad guys through and through, and with examples shown such as to constantly tell each other to "check their privilege" and "pls don't joke about aids" and "omg did you call them BLACK?", as well as some Tumblrina telling a guy not to use gendered language, and when picking their victims them all even being outraged that one of the candidates to be hunted is black, which they immediately reject
>Meanwhile all the hunted/conservatives are shown as down to Earth people who are in no way evil, and all their "conspiracy theories" are shown to be 100% correct, with the elites even joking about Pizza Gate etc

Yeah, I'm starting to see who exactly got butt hurt by this movie and why it was cancelled. Why are you lefty communist fags and /dilate/ mental health sufferers so quick to ban the stuff you don't like?

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Based? Or? cringe?

this type of stuff used to happen in the USSR all the time.

main girl is really hot

its cringe and thats based

that's not the main girl. main girl is a milf

Why are people like this? Not like in OP's rant but like OP, I mean.

>directed by the guy who co-created Homestar Runner

wtf bros

Yeah, I know I am talking about her

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Betty Gilpin is not a mother

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Why do conservatives control all branches of government but continue to harbor fantasies that they’re an oppressed “punk rock” counter-culture?


i thought this was about the holocaust

It was so bad they made a movie about it.

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the real tragedy is that The Hunt with mads mikkelsen is just a little harder to find now

every time i see a pol face boring lying ignorant cunt tries this it reinforces me to actively work to create a participative society beyond capitalism.

I don't really care if its left, right, or center it feels hugely disrespectful for this schlock to be named that.

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>Why are you lefty communist fags and /dilate/ mental health sufferers so quick to ban the stuff you don't like?
Funny, considering Trump is the one who cried about this on twitter.


Based and fun movie. Don't get why people are rating it so low.

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Same reason the left controls all media and mainstream cultural output yet does the same?

Not here for the politics just posting best Emma

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>written by Damon Lindelof
I will not watch your movie

looks like hilarious three-pints-down kino

>best emma
>worst part in every movie she's in
what did you mean by this?

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>that BDSM-y thing in her mouth

Emma wars count as politics

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Woke corporate bullshit isn’t leftism, all those companies are run by fervent capitalists and side with the managerial class and not laborers

When did the left take the term snowflake when it was originally created for them? Did I jump on one of /x/ time change? Pretty damn sure that term was made by the right to joke about the left melting over stupid things like not letting men use womens restrooms

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>not using ball gags

Based and sharedtastepilled

Conservatives tried to cancel the one movie that portrays them in a good light. No wonder you've been losing the culture war for the last 50 years.

>left melting over stupid things

fucking idiot

Liberals have the souls of hall monitors. A scolding, holier than thou cringefest

It sounds based

If the left controls all the media then why do MSNBC and CNN are more negative to Bernie than Trump? Why is Susan Sarandon the only Hollywood person to endorse Bernie Sanders?

Did I wrong think?

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I just watched this yesterday, I didn't think it was too bad for what it was. The whole plot was too much on the nose and it suffered from pacing issues. There was no real reason to introduce those characters that immediately die. I found myself wanting to know more about the backstory of Betty's character and what Athena actually meant by The Hunt joke.

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>joke about the left melting over stupid things
What the fuck? its a joke about how liberals think they are special and unique and important, like how all snowflakes are unique

no but I'll spoon feed you, it was because the left is obsessed with the idea that they are all special and unique with their multiple genders/lifestyles aka special snowflake

I always physically recoil when I see or hear internet meme terminology used in movies or television. It's never not embarrassing.

bit gags are better

"snowflake" was originally an ironic comment on non-conformist lefty types based on the myth that no two snowflakes are identical.
Now people just use it to mean fragile I guess.