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can't wait for the posts in 15 years when I'm still on this board saying "man I miss netflix we could watch whatever we wanted whenever. We had the best childhoods. This new thing sure sucks."

Blockbuster was shit though

they were the definition of soulless you dumb motherfucker

There's a video store in my area like Blockbuster but it just isn't the same.

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Why is it only people barely old enough to faintly remember blockbuster seem to have the biggest hard ons for it?


actual soul

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it's just reddit behavior just like that stupid obsession with bacon a few years ago (2012 I think?)

Nostalgia is a mistake but a blessing as well. Talking about it and making it seem better than it was to other people is the real problem.

As always OP is a fag.

this was based because most of them had a Game Crazy attached to it and I always went there instead of Gamestop. The Gamestop employees were always annoying and pushy. Well they still are.

Let's see their soul do this!

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I just want to walk around one again

Blockbuster was overpriced horseshit, the employees always looked miserable. Local, indie video stores (including video game and music stores) were the real soul. Stop being a corporate shill drone with your manufactured nostalgic bullshit.

If your childhood never included bothering employees at an indie media store while drinking Orbitz or some other beverage that no longer exists, you're basically no better than a Twitter bot.

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omg is this real

>rent friday
>return sunday or late fees
>expensive candy
>horror section


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I still hold the position of this but unironically
almost all media has lost a significant chunk of its charme because of how easily its available nowadays and that there is not even the little challenge attached to it like it was back then.
That is why the market is now full of unoriginal garbage too. More massive production and easier available media has cost them the time and care for actual quality

God bless I live in a poorfag area in my country that still has some videostores I ocassionally visit, just for the style and feel



They had a better selection and more obscure movies.

OMG so true!!!1 Periodt.


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What are the odds of getting a legitimate copy of a movie from this fine establishment?

>"man I miss torrenting we could watch whatever we wanted whenever. We had the best childhoods. This new thing sure sucks."

A man of class, I see.

our memories of it being short lived is part of the reason for what makes it so sweet
and the fact we were so young, our memories are usually something like searching for movies with siblings, having debates over them, begging parents to get them for us and shit like that
if you're a boomer and your memory of blockbuster is just being a movie place then yeah obviously it isnt as sentimental

higher than getting it from a place like this. but people didnt go here for anything legit

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"Guys, remember the days before the Disney control chips? When we could stream things on our own time rather than having to stop what they're doing to watch Captain Marvel 6: Woman triumphs again or be electrocuted? Good times bros"


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Who remembers?

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thats souless. this is soul

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bluckbuster late fees were the most souless thing ever

>when you're in the ghetto part of town

You zoomers will never know the simple pleasure of going to the Blockbuster on a Friday afternoon and checking out the qt cashier while renting Braveheart


What's the relevance of the picture? What made you think
>ah a post about Blockbuster, let me get that Wario screenshot?
