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God you libtard he was being sarcastic 5d chess god, miga

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fuck bros it's going to feel so good when trump wins reelection

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He’s deflecting from the coming tell-all from Dewey

Why do Hollywood actors thinks anybody cares about their political opinions?

Worry on, actor man!

Why does he hate Biden so much

>Democrats try and hammer Trump as being senile and a moron.
>Pick a legitimately dementia-ridden 80 year old to oppose him.
Not an American but they seem to have fucked up massively there. Was there no 'Obama'-type guy they could go for? Just a young-ish Senator in his late 40s-early 50s who could contrast Trump as a breath of fresh air rather than the genuine corpse they actually went for.

what do you mean? They state their opinions like anyone else. It’s not their fault retards like you make them news headlines.

ew dont touch me

Most of these quotes come from interviews where they are specifically asked about current events, not like they are going around shouting about politics

i worry about the sanity of anyone who thinks you need to be led


His name was Andrew Yang but Americans don’t want to vote for Asians nor do they want to vote for free money (unless a supposed conservative is doing it)

Am I the organization that published this opinion? Sounds like you're just mad that Blumpf is your president. I suggest crying more, buddy.

Don Eladio for El Presidente

What happened?

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What are some kinos about preventable tragedies?

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Blimp’s IQ is worse than dementia

Donald Trump is a Zionist stooge. He has done absolutely nothing for Americans. Literally the only thing he has done is make faggots SEETH. Which ironically is why he was memed into the presidency by the National Socialist Terrorist Organization known as the The Alternative Right.

Trump failed

No but without people like you, gossip wouldn’t be news headlines. Ever heard of capitalism?

Annoys me but Breaking Bad is still my favorite show of all time desu. Pretty much every actor in BrBa and BCS is completely pozzed, but Gilligan and Gould aren't.

He was re-educated

Hes right, why would anyone support such an incompetent fool

You wouldnt be saying that if he was gay.

America nowadays is just the battle of the retards. Yeah, put up a drooling retard like Biden to beat a drooling retard like Trump, nice

>Was there no 'Obama'-type guy they could go for? Just a young-ish Senator in his late 40s-early 50s

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There were several

>Pete Buttigeg
>Kamala Harris
>Beto O'Rourke
>Rosario Dawson's Vegan Boyfriend

But none of them could get the all-important black vote and they cancelled each other out, so when Biden swept South Carolina they all gave up and surrendered their voter base to him

Trump ended up being a complete disaster at handling a crisis, just like everyone not deluded predicted.


It's simple. He wasn't keen on Trump getting elected but still wanted him to succeed. A very sane position.

Despite what Yas Forums insists, that clearly hasn't worked out, leading to his second statement.

Go back

>Donald Trump is a Zionist stooge
>Zionist media hates him
Explain the contradiction.


>Gilligan and Gould aren't pozzed

what the hell makes you say that?

Have you all injected your bleach and inserted a UV light up your ass yet today?

Because brain dead normalfags unironically do, and the media knows they do so they sell them those hot celeb opinions

I'm absolutely astounded that Trump hasn't been assassinated. God knows how many faggots out there want to do it, whether they'd say it or not.

why the fuck do blacks love Biden so much

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Too own tha libs

I'm republican and I can freely admit that Trump is a literal retard, why can't you?

I shoved a light-bulb down my throat, my understanding is that Covid affects the lungs.

cum stinky poopoo peepee brraaaaaaappp yum yum more nigger poop in my mouth with sweet cummy brraaaapppp--braaaapaaapppp I love wet nigger farts with cummie in them give me moooore

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Based and red pilled

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But we already have Trump and he takes multiple Jewish cocks. At once. Heard he's done triple anal but I haven't seen it myself. You'd have to ask Mitch McConnell.

Beto orouke is a gigantic faggot

Well you elected a reality TV host so....

thanks, he appreciates your vote

Their shows are among the only ones from the 2010s that aren't filled with prog agenda. They might agree with it, but they at least aren't so brainwashed that they've let it intrude on their art. That's true of very few people nowadays.

>sources close to the administration claim this is false

I bet you're not even white.

probably the 4 years of Trumps public humiliation?

Itt: bleach injectors

Like that matters. Doesn't mean you're a real conservative.

That was before Trump said people "should inject bleach" to cure coronavirus. Things like that will change people's opinions of someone.

People are already listening and dying because of what Trump said. Over 30 people in NYC contacted emergency services in regards to disinfectant exposure on the day Trump said that while only 18 did so on the same day last year.

well yeah, obviously he does, i'm getting him elected. Doesn't make him any less of a retard

because the media is funded by advertizing (i.e. capitalism) and people are more likely to watch a news story about a celebrity?

linsday graham here, can confirm.

I'm watching The Young Turks the whole night, it's gonna be so fucking great

I've always noticed this with Gilligan and Matthew Weiner. Despite what Yas Forums says Mad Men isn't pozzed. Watch again and pay attention and the dude who copypastes the same oy vey interview can fuck off. Gilligan makes about as politically neutral a show as any I've seen in forever.

kek BTFO

my point being, you can have conservative values and still recognize him for the retard he is? How can any sane person listen to this guy talk and not get second hand embarassment?

I've heard it described as a critique of white america by black voters. They don't believe white voters will vote for anyone who isn't old and white like themselves so they pick the lesser evil. The black vote is split 60/40 between old folks who loved obama voting for biden, and young people who listen to Chapo voting for Bernie

If they're that stupid then it's on them. My guess a lot of people are doing that so they can sue Trump/government. Yes, people are that insane.

you care when James Woods praises trump. It's almost like you don't have a problem with actors voicing opinion about politics, just don't like it when they criticize trump after he says something retarded

American politics is pretty much impotentence central. Most of our politicians aren't fit to run hot dog stands.

Because republicans are extremely tribal.

because the alternative is unacceptable

>see a gay man
>all you can think and talk about are graphic images of gay sex

Nigger, you're dumb
>Pete Buttigeg
Wimpy limp wrested literal faggot who didn't project the kind of gravitas you'd expect from a leader
>Kamala Harris
Got raped by Gabard when she laid out Harris' history of locking up users of dude weed lmao
>Beto O'Rourke
Outright stated he wanted to take away guns. Not "reduce gun violence", not "increase background checks", he outright stated he wanted to confiscate them. Imagine the gangbanging nogs armed with AKs felt.
>Cory Booker
Literal who in politics.

why would you want a communist to win reelection?

>mistaking headlines for reality

There was a British guy that tried during 2016. His plan was to steal a cop's gun and shoot him at a rally.

>People are already listening and dying because of what Trump said. Over 30 people in NYC contacted emergency services in regards to disinfectant exposure on the day Trump said that while only 18 did so on the same day last year.
Source: your ass

UV radiated blood actually works for infections

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>Donald Trump is president

what's Yas Forums saying about trump's comment about injecting disinfectant or shoving UV light into your body

Idk, I'm becoming increasingly confident that, even if he's not rationally/logically intelligent, he's got real insight into what the country needs. He doesn't sound smart, and he refuses to admit to any mistakes he's made, but if he did, he'd just enable all the leftist criticism he gets and, in a way, become complicit in the critical, self-loathing mindset Americans are locked into nowadays.

you're posting in this thread, you obviously care, you're butt flustered. you care more than the average normalfag on the street.

why does Yas Forums think Yas Forums cares about their political opinions?

Look the simple fact is that I don't care if Trump is good for our country, I just love owning the libtards

He's absolutely right. If you're still defending Trump after his suggestion to inject yourself with disinfectant then you're insane or willfully ignorant. Either way, don't vote.

>Pretend to hate him so they can air negative programming that people watch like drones

>can't wait for that guy who freed all those niggers from prison is reelected heh heh. then the libtards will be TRULY owned

No, it doesn't. I was going to make fun of you for thinking that but instead I wanted to make sure I told you clearly not to inject anything into yourself for your own safety.

Please don't inject UV Light, bleach or anything else into your veins just because someone with no medical qualifications told you that you should do it. It is not safe.

>Sheeeit nigga, aint dat the dude who used to hang with Barack?! Dat white boi aiight.
That's literally it

Drink bleach faggot.

Le Pol buggy en xdxd

the basic issue at this point is that US politics has regressed to the point that people are literally voting based on regional loyalty and identity politics over anything politicians actually do.

it winds up being a situation where you're really voting AGAINST the Democrats because you're scared of them, not for an alternative ideology. the Democrats are, FYI, conservative by any standard other than the American one.

of course if you don't vote based on policy it defeats most of the purpose of voting but w/e you knew that

I liked when he called corona a hoax in February

>Being this alarmist about a little healthy bantz.
It was a gentle ribbing. I didn't know it was illegal to crack wise.

weak b8 redditor

lel, the DNC is literally running a presidential candidate with alzheimers. This might be the first presidential debate in history to carry a parental advisory for profanity.

This. I know he's a complete idiot chud with garbage policies that will ruin life for everyone that isn't a rich white male but owning the libs is just so satisfying so I support him anyway.

Who cares if he ruins our country, at least we got to trigger libs epic style!


> what's Yas Forums saying about trump's comment about injecting disinfectant or shoving UV light into your body
What the fuck do you think chemotherapy is?

go get fucked, faggot

I know m9, it's gonna be glorious.

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lol at how much drumpf makes people seethe like he was elected yesterday

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h-he was joking I swear

It's just a show bro. He is an actor. Every head on TV is an actor reading lines. The people on top write the lines and the show continues. Nothing the media says or does has any effect on his office or the agenda. The media constantly attacking him just accelerates the political/ideological polarization among the masses. If the Jews who run the media really want him gone, he would have been taken out during the race or years prior.

he was legitimately mentally ill and is already out of custody and back in the UK apparently. as a britbong it was weird because it made it seem like your legal system works fine EXCEPT for Americans.

>black voters putting that much thought into anything

"This(COVID-19) is their new hoax!" - Trump two months ago. Now he's telling people to inject bleach to cure something he said didn't even exist.

The worst part isn't even that he said all this, but that people are still defending him.

About time someone in Hollywood called out Biden.

Look up treatments where they take out your blood, irradiate it with cold laser and inject it back into you.

are you comparing chemotherapy to injecting your body with lysol to prevent yourself from getting covid

it's not effective at treating viruses

Okay Bill Clinton

This country was on the conveyor belt to the inferno before Trump came along. He's a product of the status quo, not the cause of it. Liberals and their new found puritanism would see that if they actually had a brain but nah they're enamored by Obama dancing with Ellen and liking their gay friends FB posts to look "diverse." Trump might be a moron but I'm not going to look to the Left/Satanist/Jacobins for marching orders.

trannies itt seem really upset lol

He's right

I support Trump you idiot, I just wanna trigger libs. Things like healthcare and equal rights for all don't matter so long as the libs stay triggered.