What's the authoritative documentary on chemtrails?
What's the authoritative documentary on chemtrails?
Other urls found in this thread:
this one right here
how come neo nazi and other conspiracy graphics are always so badly made? Everything from Yas Forums has same “look” to it.
Nice deflection glownigger
Chem trails and 5G are two sides of the same NWO like coin
Are chemtrails real?
if something works so well that nothing can resist it why make something new, this is beyond dumb
And glowie posts stand out like dragonflies in the darkness. We have assimilated your techniques and are ready to attack back
>neoliberals: this is not real
>The government: actually yes it is
>Neoliberals:...and that's a good thing!
Every time
Glow harder
>how come neo nazi and other conspiracy graphics are always so badly made? Everything from Yas Forums has same “look” to it.
What are the "good" graphics, then? This appears to be boilerplate docu-drama Blockbuster movie cover art imho.
I want to see their windows 98 website
>>neoliberals: this is not real
>>The government: actually yes it is
>>Neoliberals:...and that's a good thing!
>Every time
Yeah, that series of events seems to be happening more often and at a faster speed.
It's tough to discount even dogshit conspiracy theories in the current year when so many ridiculous things keep happening.
That guy in Vegas kills all those people and no one is able to dig into it deeper and the government just ignores it.
Zika Virus is pandemic levels one day, spread by Bill Gates jurassic park nature finds a way mosquitoes and the next year it's a non-story.
I don't believe in chem-trails, but know I have to keep an open mind because all the right people are making fun of it.
Also, climate change is a basically a hoax as the left presents it now.
>somebody ask question about conspiracy documentaries about planes spraying schizo dust on everyone
>discord tranny immediately deflects by mentioning ideology from 70+ years ago
Now every fucking boomer can cut some lowquality footage and call it a DOCUMENTARY, and himself an actor and rush to create IMDB page for himself.
>climate change is a hoax
>the physics behind contrails
nigger what
It is.
What do "Green credits" have to do with "saving the earth"?
What does mining precious metals and transporting it thousands of miles using petrol and deisal gas to chinese factories to make "green energy" photocell solar panels have to do with climate change?
How does the western world sending billions in aid to Africa for savages to kill endangered animals make the planet safer?
Why isn't India and China ever attacked or shamed for all the massive polluting they do but it's white people's fault for some reason?
But yeah, if you don't get on your knees and pray to Al Gore, you should eat crayons.
Google: Stratospheric Aerosol Injection
Forget the word chemtrails and never use it again.
What does any of that have to do with climate change being real?
>What does any of that have to do with climate change being real?
Because it's a religion, a false religion, and if you go against any part of the orthodoxy - you must be stupid enough to eat crayons.
Peak oil used to be another religion that's fallen out of favor that you must eat crayons if you don't believe it.
it's contrails
Why do you think they put chemicals in the stratosphere - maybe it has something to do with weather/climate manipulation? Fucking retards.
Contrails are definitely real there is no doubt about it.
For Chemtrails:
>Stratospheric Aerosol Injection
>What does any of that have to do with climate change being real?
And Kony was big news until he wasn't. Iran attacking oil tankers and oil fields and stuff was big news until it wasn't. Do you think stuff stops happening if the news stops reporting on it? You do realise stuff carries on, right? You're so retarded I don't quite know where to start. I always start to believe these are the real glow alphabets because you're so fucking dumb that it seems to be on purpose.
>You're so retarded I don't quite know where to start.
Then you don't even attempt to explain why I eat crayons.
What will we do when the world doesn't end in 10 years and china stops "recycling" our trash into the ocean?
Must be a real shame you didn't have to finish sophomore year in high school this year. Faggot
>"admits to doing chemtrails"
>literally just proposing to do them to delay global warming but ultimately acknowledging that it probably wont happen due to logistics of such a program and geopolitics
Get better material conspiritard.
i'm gangstalking you atm.
ask me anything
>durrr why isn't the media reporting on it???
Why are you expecting the MSM to do anything other than sensationalized garbage? Factual, long term reporting is basically non existent compared to the yellow journalism machine.
Ever heard of the double slit experiment? The outcome of Nature depends on whether or not you are even thinking about it. So yes, it is appropriate to call "physics" ideology when it is literally shaped by your worldview.
>Ever heard of the double slit experiment?
have you?
>double slit
>outcome of Nature depends on whether or not you are even thinking about it
>literally shaped by your worldview
Why do you retards touch the very surface level of popularized QM and then apply it to broader concepts without actually understanding it?
Please try to explain the experiment to me with your own words.
Kneel down and take your meds you schizo bitch. There NO conspiracies. How dare you, how fucking DARE you.
You haven't sufficiently defined climate change for your argument in this debate to hold any weight. You need to be more specific with your terms rather than rambling on and filibustering like some schizophrenic.
who cares about graphics when the truth is all that matters? not sliding this shit faggot.
BUMPing uglies with your mom