Daisy Ridley as Rey Skywalker

Daisy Ridley as Rey Skywalker

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like the guy from star wars?

wasn't it Rey Palpatstein?

When Disneyland employees look better than rich and famous Hollywood actresses, you know something is wrong.

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>Rey "Skywalker" Palpatine

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Imagine eating her pussy bent over whilst she was farting directly into your olfactory organs


Whats up with the emphasis on wrist protection in modern scifi?

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They should have gone with Best Emma for Rey

Attached: CUc9JCyWwAAu75f.png (500x600, 668.16K)

Hint: They purposefully didn't cast attractive women for roles in Nu Wars.


only Park Rey and Hapa Rey look good

More shit to sell to the wahmen.

Daisy is cute despite looking like the mask, and shes charismatic as hell!

joints are more vulnerable in a sword fight, more soft tissue.

Would it count as shilling if I started a thread for an edit I made of the sequel trilogy into one 3.5 hour long movie?

>Best Emma
pic unrelated

Imagine if she just wore really small tight short shorts with those boots.

no go for it imo. I think the Nu-wars saga is over with. Disney's abandoned it.

I would have paid to see that.

Are they filming her taking a shit or something? Will this be on the directors cut?

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No unless you do it repeatably in random threads.

only 1 and 2 look any good

But they did, they just didn't on the main trilogy
Felicity Jones, Gina Carano and Emilia Clarke are attractive

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>her taking a shit
god, i wish it was on my chest

cum poopoo peepee brraaaaaaappp yum yum more nigger poop in my mouth with sweet cummy brraaaapppp--braaaapaaaapppp I love wet nigger farts with cummie in them give me moooore

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>Will this be on the directors cut?
They can never make a director's cut for a film like this because the cut scenes don't make sense in the context of the story they went with. The cut scenes would contradict it

>Gina Carano
Gina "man-jaw" Carano is only attractive to closeted gays.

lmao what the fuck is this shit

JJ is such a fucking hack.

That's alot of projection, pal.

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she could crush an acorn with that mandible

Who Who as Who Who???

This but my balls instead of an acorn

Are you the mommy poster that wants his nuts crushed? You're the faggot here pal.

They fight with lightsabers

take that back fucker