After I sawTwin Peaks: Fire Walk with Meat Cannes...

>After I sawTwin Peaks: Fire Walk with Meat Cannes, David Lynch had disappeared so far up his own ass that I have no desire to see another David Lynch movie until I hear something different. And you know, I loved him. Ilovedhim.
Tarantino is a fucking hack, why do people still defend him?

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What's going on here?

He's right though.

>the quintessential pleb director has pleb taste
truly shocking

>Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Meat
I want to see this movie

Don't know. Never enjoyed any of his movies. They all lack a plot

What did Tarantino mean by this?

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Yeah I’m thinking it’s kino

The man is entitled to have an opinion.

I will never understand why plebs like Lynch.

They have some sort of relationship I guess. Like friends or enemies or colleagues or something.

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Are they friends again? Lynch made a Tarantino reference in TP S3.

I don't like Tarantino's movies but he's unironically right.

Dale Cooper is too pure for Tarantino

>until I hear something different
said the guy that made a career ripping off other people films and no it can't be considered an homage cause his films are literally just that

Imagine liking Tarantino or Lynch.
>tarantino refers to Godard as a director you grow out of
Oh the irony

No he’s not. Fire Walk With Me is one of Lynch’s best films and is a perfect prequel to Twin Peaks. Get better taste fag


>t. actual pleb

>Tarantino is a fucking hack, why do people still defend him?

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Yes Canada is pure hell

>Tarantino is my favorite director and Pulp Fiction is the best movie ever

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Tarantino is seriously your favorite director? What a fucking faggot pleb you are holy shit

Reminder that Tarantino was so eternally buttblasted by Refn over Drive for winning a prize at Cannes in a film that had severe violence, an homage to an older classic and generally being fantastic that he wrote an entire blogpost just to say "better luck next time" and has refused to work with Gosling, Cranston, Pearlman, Isaac or Hendricks despite their clout.

Lynch is the sort of director that I can appreciate as a genius at the top of his game, but where I can't personally invest in his whole spiel.
The Straight Story is a masterpiece. Mulholland Drive is too. But the whole Twin Peaks thing requires way too much time and effort for little to no reward

no dude i post le soijak meaning i was being #ironic

It is. You faggots call a mcchicken and mcpoulet or some shit like that.

Fucking faggots.


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I can't tell if Hutch and Chantal are supposed to be a jab at Tarantula or a love letter.

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