Leave Star Wars kino, to me

Leave Star Wars kino, to me...

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Reminder that Maul only "lost" his duel with Ahsoka because he didn't want to kill her, as in his eyes everyone on the wrong side of Sidious is already dead.

Kind of shitty of Disney to replace his original voice actor

Is this peak aesthetic?

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He’s been voiced by Sam Witwer for over a decade now.

The original voice actor only ever voiced him in the phantom menace for two lines.

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....didn't he die in The Phantom Menace?

Yeah but Witwer has been voicing him i cartoons, it would have been better for continuity to get the voice actor from the other movie. And also the way they handled it wasn’t good. Peter Serafinowicz recorded all the lines and was only told after the premier of the movie that he’d been cut

It's so odd how, for these production photos, they show him wielding his lightsaber as if he's in action and all set to kick ass, and yet in Solo, he only briefly ignites during a holo call to look threatening for a few seconds before ending the transmission. It's so pointless.

They were probably planning for him to actually do stuff in the solo sequel until they cancelled all the movies because it bombed

Attached: samwitwer.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Yes, but they retconned that. He was killed by Obi-Wan on Tatooine between ROTS and ANH.

Fuck off grandpa

should've recast him, the actor is wrinkled as all fuck and looks ridiculous in practical makeup

>impregnates han solo's gf

Attached: solomaul.webm (900x376, 2.18M)

It's partially on purpose because they wanted to drive the point across that he's older now. I listened to this on a behind the scenes thing.

he used to do all the stunts and knows the character well

Rey Park is /ourguy/ confirmed

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Bro, how did Han go from Emilia to manface cokehead Carrie

>be Darth Maul
>get a call from a qt that just took over the Crimson Dawn
>how to impress her?
>wave a double-bladed lightsaber around
>nailed it

>get told that Solo is dogshit and bombed at the box office
>give it a try on Netflix
>it's pretty comfy
Lando had soul and the robot played by the Fleabag girl was good too. why do people hate it

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>Star Wars
You may pick ONE

Reminder that you have to be a child or a neckbeard to watch or care about that awful tv series

Because it came out right after TLJ, literally months after
It really isn't that bad

Is that Karl Hungus?

He did the mocap for Maul in the new show actually

he actually mocap'd all of the stunts for Maul int he most recent TCW episode as well.

I was first kek

Solo is unironically the best of disneywars. Shame

Man, she really is so fat they can only shoot her from certain angles, huh?

I thought Rogue One was the best but they're all kind of mediocre. Mando is probably the best nuwars has to offer.

Mando > Solo >= RO >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ST

Chad Maul > Solo (galactic term for incel)
So he had to deal with the leftovers

But who is more the child/neckbeard, the one who cares about the show, or the one who cares that people care about the show?

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I agree but it's mostly because the ST is is just way more offensive to the lore than Solo and RO
ruining the skywalkers sucks way more than ruining kyle's katarn mission to steal the death star plans and han's EU better origin story

I can agree with that

>likes star wars
>but somehow dislikes the clone wars
why actively dislike the best and only redeemable part of star wars? Do you browse reddit?

They look to fake market flicks.