>we want the John Wick audience
How woke is this movie?
I like a good action movie but I don't like woke bs.
Please sirs do the needful and cancel this movie. India 2020 superpower and would rape the Chris hemsworth bobs and vagene sirs
kids get beaten savagely
What does this have to do with being woke?
imagine being so fragile you need a safe space lmao, you're note better than the feminists
What the fuck is your problem, nigger?
I wanna watch movies that I will enjoy.
why wouldn't you?
not woke at all, actually people are calling it racist because of all the indians he kills
From Wikipedia
"Extraction was criticized by several outlets for having perceived "white savior" elements.[13][14][15] Variety called the film "a white-savior version of Man on Fire," while Screen Rant said that the film's "regressive white savior elements" drag it down. In an overall positive review, Scott Mendelson of Forbes wrote: "Look, let's get this out of the way. Yes, director Sam Hargrave and writer Joe Russo's Extraction... is an arguably 'problematic' white savior flick""
I guess that answers the question.
I really wish Hitler would come back
I couldn't watch this cuz of the horrendous orange filter
what did he mean by this
have sex
I like the longtake action sequence from the car chase to that hotel like rooms with the streetshitter swat.
>Save 1 kid
>Slaughter 150 policemen and soldiers
>Kill an Indian colonel
Load of bullshit. Also why would they tell their client exactly where they were picking up the kids on the boat. Also is India really that disgusting?
with your mom
seethe harder
More like the Proof of Life or Tears of the Sun audience.
it's a modern remake of Commando if you didn't pay attention
what did you think it was?
They were in Bangladesh
best white savior kino since passion of the christ
Alright, is Bangladesh really that disgusting? Everyone was dripping grease and inbred looking, everything was fucking filthy.
How is that any different from SJWs trigger warnings? Yas Forums incel
I don't know, I've never been there before
>seed harder
that's what your mom said
It was a crap film, he probably orphaned 200 kids just to save one paki. I thought Australians were supposed to be based
where do you think those gypsies in eastern europe came from
>we want the COD audience
>Sneed harder
that's what Chuck said
Has anyone done a body count yet?
Shows Bangladeshi crims literally throwing street kids off a roof to their deaths. Plus Hemsworths character kills about 20+ brown people throughout the movie.
The only good places in that area of the world are all in India's southern states, with Kerala being the best. Bangladesh, North India, and Pakistan feed into the stereotypes, but South India is civilized
mfw he could easily walk to the chopper at the end but chooses to kill more brown people instead
In the first scene maybe. Add him and the imprisoned father's security together and they probably whack about 300 "people".
why did ithe body guard hire the ausies and then kill them
have wc
didn't have the money
he says at the beginning he doesn't have the money to pay their contract - so he decides to screw them over
you know what i wanna see? the indians' reaction while they watched it in the cinema
>I could be pooing on a designated shitting street instead of watching this drivel
ah yes finally a slice of kino to nourish the tactical child within me
>Netflix movie
I'll put this into a big 'maybe' pile.
not him but you are really too stupid to know the difference, huh?
Seeing people cry "White Savior you can't have white people be heroes in areas where people are brown wahhhh!" will always be entertaining, but the movie is chock full of allegedly highly trained police/soldiers/mercenaries that apparently just fucking stand there while off frame to let the good guy kill their buddy before going in frame so they can be quickly killed by the good guy too, despite having loaded guns and/or quick access to one from the dead guys on the ground.
It’s better than it deserves to be. It’s not genre defining, but it’s fun. Plus there’s lots of points in the movie where I was losing my shit because of how ridiculous it would get. There weren’t any quips, forced romance, and Hemsworth is charismatic enough to carry the movie. Check it out
Inb4 paid shill
it's quite refreshing actually, there's a shot in the car chase that's quite epic and the close combat is well shot too