Wolf in sheep's clothing
Wolf in sheep's clothing
Y'all niggas cry about how he looks creepy or takes advantage of the kids. Show me some proof bitch lmao
he molested me
You just know.
Show me your bussy
There can't be concrete proof. It's just the way he looks at them.
lol your a retard
Then quit your bitching. Here in 4channelâ„¢ we only care about facts and facts only
How much does he pay you to spam across the site?
Like a lion toying with its prey
Looks like a side character in a shitty middle age high fantasy movie
This picture legitimately creeps me the fuck out
based jew
Which Oblivion character is this?
He's not Biden
I just realized that he's a brainlet that didn't realize she just wanted to touch his nose with hers.
he reminds me of that kid comedian youtuber who used to make scat videos.
>Y'all niggas cry about how he looks creepy or takes advantage of the kids. Show me some proof bitch lmao
At best he's self serving.
Nigger literally everyone is self-serving or selfish to some degree whether they like it or not. If he can do this sort of thing without making it blatantly cruel and exploitative then who gives a fuck if he benefits from it?
nobody would molest you, totally unfuckable
so much respect for this man
It is exploitative though. He runs a freak circus and those clips are misery porn.
Who are you talking about?
Even so, nobody loses. Normal people feel pity, Yas Forums gets entertained, the cripples get some attention and he gets money. Stop being jealous.
This channel terrifies me. It know it's not nice to say that because the point of it is that all these people have unique stories to tell and don't want people to be afraid of or judge them. But I saw a video of the guy who has no face except for mouth/teeth and it's horrifying. I'm too scared to even look at his other videos. Truly Lynchian and Lovecraftian
I actually agree with you.
I'm not saying that this is a bad person, but I wouldn't be surprised if news came out that he has raped all of them
Can't people just be nice? Why is there always the presumption of degeneracy when no obvious degenerate thing is on display. I mean sure, its not like hes doing selfless acts- theres a lot of money in his content probebly but still.
im a child predator and even he gives me the creeps
He literally looks like a Chad except his eyes are a little creepy, but even then girls will find that imperfection a turn on.
Honestly, its not his eyes for me.
>The smile
>The clothes he wears
He looks like a clown without make-up anytime he smiles and it just looks dishonest. Maybe its just a case like Daddario where they can't smile without looking creepy but I wouldn't be surprised if shit came down the line about him having 10 terabytes of CP in his computer or naked pictures of the girls and/or boys he hosts on the show.
This webm made me feel sad.