OH MAJOR, tell me

OH MAJOR, tell me...
If DS9 isn't real Trek, then why does it have the best episode of the franchise?

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Try again sweetie

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His lies blatant.

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Balance of Terror is from TOS though

Are there any other good VOY episodes?
I’ve been working through it and this one seems like the best by far

DS9 is fucking bad but it has it's moments.


That's not even the best DS9 episode, never mind the best Trek.

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why do you talk about star trek if you don't really like it

But The Visitor is the best DS9 ep, followed by Our Man Bashir

All of the best trek episodes are in season 2 of tos
Why are ds9 fans so autistic and delusional?

right show wrong episode

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That's not The Trouble with Tribbles

>What if we completely abandon Gene's ideals and make something like literally every other scifi show ever
>OMG brilliant
Station Show is not True Star Trek.

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DS9 worked because it recognised the inherent value in those ideals and painted everything as an attempt to protect them, unlike shit like Picard and STD

Brainlet. The entire point of this episode is to show that even in the furthest path it strayed away from being morally right the federation still kept its values


>DS9 worked
Stopped reading there

remember when nog went from the funny comic relief character to having an entire episode dedicated to his PTSD after having lost a leg in an explosion from invisible mines in an intergalactic space war?

how can there be war crimes if there has never been a war ?

>all these people shitting on DS9 whereas every Star Wars thread is a circlejerk of warsworship
Man this place really has shit taste

Voyager has one of the best episodes of any series in the franchise.

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>mfw side characters end up producing absolute K I N O

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>cardassian occupation of bajor
something like 15 million deaths over 50 years
>Dominion nuking cardassia as a final REEEEEEEEEE
Something like 800 million deaths in a like a day?

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Filtered. It's more of a true Star Trek than Voyager. Since DS9 outlines that it knows that it's doing things that aren't federation values. Whereas Voyager doesn't acknowledge the stuff Janeway does that is contrary to Federation values.

Even Morn got more development than most VOY characters

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why is it so hard for CBS to do anything right


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