It's ok to kill soldiers with wives and families because their president was hitler lmao

>it's ok to kill soldiers with wives and families because their president was hitler lmao

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Other urls found in this thread:

>what is war

It's violent satire. It's also a fantasy. You need more brain juice for this bait

>It's a Yas Forums is too retarded to understand a movie episode

>it's ok to kill civilians because their god was YHWH lmao

What do you expect?
Its a vile fantasy born of the depraved psychopathic semitic mind that cannot understand concepts like honor or the Geneva convention.

I started watching it the other day but there were no subtitles so I stopped. Is that right or should there be some?

I think you missed the point of the entire film.
Did you think that scene in the cinema where the screen was burning was over the top? that was the point.

There should be some yellow subtitles for the foreign language parts.

Did you buy the dvd or did you find it on a streaming service like Netflix?

Tarantula is a kike cock sucker

Judaism has by far the least violent history of the Abrahamic religions. Copecel

Good one user

it was not okay but there was no choice. If someone was a nazi in in 30s or 40s you could excuse him because of the brainwashing, pressure, fear etc but nevertheless you should kill him. But when someone is a nazi in a current year, like op, there is no excuse. You should humanitarly put people like that against a wall and crush them with bulldozers.

I’m definitely not convinced the incel version is correct. After all, the first scene of the movie is Shoshanna’s entire family being murdered in cold blood. Therefore she’s morally justified in torturing and/or killing as many Nazis as she can get her hands on.

What do you think the point about the german sniper shown on the screen with the gratuitous violence was?

that seems a little too quick for a neonazi

It’s redundant to say a movie about a war event had gratuitous violence. The comparison is faulty because the American soldiers had noble intentions, while every single nazi in that room was evil.

neither the dvd or netflix had the yellow subs I saw on youtube

Wow, didn't realize this place was filled with grimy filthy fucking kike lovers. Go jerk your cock that was so courteously mutilated thanks to kike ideology. They hate us, so why can't we hate them. An eye for an eye. We have a right to defend ourselves, our culture, and our families don't you think? Looking out for your own people doesn't make you a bad person. In fact, I don't like hating people, I wish they weren't such slimy weasels and that I could see them as my equals.

>It’s redundant to say a movie about a war event had gratuitous violence.
I mean there's a hell of a lot of difference between inglorious bastards and every other war movie.
Just look at the amount of blood, the amount of killing in comical ways.
>while every single nazi in that room was evil.
I don't think that's true of the movie though, we are shown that not all nazis are evil incarnate. Think of that one drunk guy with the kid in the pub, we are shown he has a life outside of this, and that he isn't the comical stereotype we are shown in other nazi characters.
If the point of the movie was to show all Nazis are evil and need to die in gratuitous ways, why create that character?

This entire website is satire.

Good one user

>it’s okay to kill dirt peasants and rape their wives and shoot their babies because something something communism something

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I’ve never seen the slightest evidence that Jews are hateful on average. Certainly far less hateful than Christian or Muslims, smarter, with better moral character due to their high population of atheists.

Stay mad Achmed, you brain dead little shill.

Tell me more in the middle of the current communist pandemics.

Nope. Why would you want to understand what a Germ man wants to say. It will either be something about killing their neighbors, tearing down the civilization wherever they find it or making up another cancerous bootlicking ideology like socialism or national socialism.

how dare they. They should have just let the nazis kill them because they aren't married.

Thats wha tmatters in war after all, who is married.

"want me to drop this cunt?"

You see, it's very hateful to agree with someone to lend them some money and then expecting that someone to give you that money back, as per your consensual agreement.

I'm not talking about the rosensteinberg family down the street, obviously they don't have much to do with the globalist, race-mixing, cultural destroying, homogenizing agenda. So do I hate those jews without at least meeting them? Only a little, because 90% of the ones I've met and interacted with are arrogant, entitled, and condescending to anyone who isn't part of their tribe. Of course, that is to be expected when you raise your kids telling them they are superior and part of the "chosen" people. Are they loudly hateful? No, but they have this attitude of superiority that shines through in their actions. Of course they view jews as more superior than others. So every other group should do the same. They don't want us to think like them, because they want to see us fail. I have met some nice jews, one of my best friends is a jew, but he's not very religious and his mother raised him to be humble, which is quite uncommon. However, most of them are not like this, especially Israelis. I think the jews with the best track record are the sephardic/mizrahi. But when you look at who pushes the most propoganda, who subverts our culture, who promotes race-mixing and degeneracy, who promotes open borders and new world order, it's easy to see why one would begin to hate them. If you're not part of them, they're your enemy. Whether you know it or not.

America has the second most cases in the world (the most recorded but obviously China has more and is lying)

Doesn't change that it is commie made and commie spread sickness. Btw Europe has most cases.