What's wrong with that?

what's wrong with that?

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it gives minorities the legitimacy that they have a real and actual enemy to fight

>american dream is essentially owning house and being able to provide a good life for your family
>this is white supremacy

How is this shows and movies?

The American dream personified

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I mean, like it or not, it is.

America was founded as a white supremacist country. You can interpret that however you'd like, but it's true

It's really getting hard not to notice.

Minorities have objectively better lives in america than in their countries of origin and yet they still complain.

>noo what if minorities dont like me

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So what? Can't you just go to the multicultural paradise of Canada to the north? They have legal weed and free healthcare, just go there if you don't want the evil capitalist white nationalist nightmare of AmeriKKKa

Only third worlders are white supremacists. Whites don’t believe their own supremacy

And that’s a good thing!

>flee to America for a better, longer, less violent life
>kid wants America to be more like the shit hole the ran from.

at least the Euros are getting it done in a single generation.

>multicultural paradise

Only in the big cities.

We're way whiter than you, mutt

this is why you shouldn't have rescued them from the Cossack saber.

But why is that innately bad?

Buying a house in the 50s was a lot about moving to an all white neighborhood.


>American dream

It's dead, Jim.

But PM Justin Castro has shown your country to be such a warm, welcoming place. Unlike the bull-headed DONALD DRUMPF.

>what's wrong with that?

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>rural areas more white
>urban areas more brown
Same here retard


Canada is a colony of China and economy is a wreck


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Minorities are our enemy the same way two plants growing in the same plot are enemies and one will inevitably choke the other of resources

I don't know what hes talking about, but even the rural areas here(in canada) are starting to fill up with pajeet students

Trips confirmed, shitskins are literal weeds

The cities were shit because of Industrializiation, abyone would want a better place to raise their kids.

Why do Jews love mountains so much?


I'm not white and I'm a white supremacist

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(((Journalism))) at it's finest

Shut up nigger

You're a cuck and you'll never be white. They hate your guts.

berg means hill

it's all so tiresome bros

Nah, he's based. You're the cuck.


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Typical kike

white women love black dick so that will never happen

I prefer the truth of cuckdom than deluding myself of objective racial hierarchies.

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It's not though. If a black person wants to be based. decides to put in their work, and decides to work at a law form or an accounting or something, they deserve their 80,000+ salary.
It may not happen as much as it does for white people, but it happens.

Incorrect, blacks should be genocided.

hello chang

Western Civilization is white supremacy.

This cancer will never stop because these morons expect pic related 80 iq societies to have all the nice things we have.

White people need to start being the boogie-man these masses of parasites think we are.

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