You know I never thought of it like that.
You know I never thought of it like that
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I don't get it, does this guy think orcs are real?
Racism.. against orcs? Bright was a documentary?
>roleplaying a nigger:
what did raimi mean by this?
So there is no creature who has instinctive inherited biological urges that differ from other creatures? Is it racist to say that wolves are more likely to attack and eat animals than say, a Guinea pig?
>I don't get it
Why do these faggots feel the need to ruin every hobby?
But DnD is a fantasy series where there is a literal god of murder tied to orcs that has orcs be violent.
Yes. These leftoids can't differentiate fantasy from reality. That's why everything is analogous to Star Wars and Harry Potter.
>Is it racist to say that wolves are more likely to attack and eat animals
Yes. Make your cat vegan today speciesist.
>Be D&D
>Do everything to pander with trans elves, demonkin etc
>Still get caught out
You can't win with these people
>making orcs dindus but not gnolls
Are WoWniggers with hardons for big green noble savage dicks writing this? Crossbow-toting gnoll mercs with hyena chuckles are much more kino.
>fiction police
Death is the solution
>Still beleiving fantasy orcs are based on Africans in 2020
Normalfags can't appreciate the gnoll.
Me on the middle right
Only an actual racist would allude black people to orcs
>see written description of behaviour of fictional race
>immediately associate it with real life ethnic groups
>call others racist
if anything orcs are white """people""
always starting wars and trying to oppress people and shit
Guy sees racism where there is none, does that mean he's actually the racist?
He's just another pissy liberal that actually patrols for something to be offended by, so he can do his "progressive" duty to have anything that offends him sterilized.
Since whiteness is the most offensive thing in the world to them, I recommend he start with himself.
orcs are an entirely different species to humans
if he thinks this is racist, who does he think the orcs are?
damn white people and their racist *squints* fantasy races
He’s correlating the description of orcs with the closest real life equivalent. That in turn causes a conflict with his social programming, and to prevent a systemic crash of identity, he adjusts by shifting blame to an external agent.
Yes, but not on the shallow level that you think.
Um, sweetie, it sets a dangerous precedent to imagine things outside of reality.
No but in all seriousness there are NUMEROUS comparisons between Orcs specifically and black people in American culture.
Warcraft Orcs 100% read as black.
Why not post this on tg?
This why i hoped for corona chan to be real we really need a purge
what do you think americans are?
Blacks are more analogous to 40K orks than any fantasy orks with the exception that 40k orks get smarter when more of them gather whereas the opposite is true for blacks
>reddit spacing
>Warcraft Orcs 100% read as black.
Only to Americans, who basically read anything and everything as black. Everyone else can clearly see that they're based on early Germanic tribes with a healthy dose of Conan thrown in.
It's disgusting how politicians go to bed at night not losing a single moment of sleep at the numbers raped and killed by "THEY'LL EVENTUALLY ASSIMILATE."
We're literally human sacrifices to leftist globalists.
A bit of celts too with their shamanistic ways.
so who does he thinks orcs are?
Orcs say "dogg" and "know what I'm sayin" in their jokes, do the MC Hammer dance, and they live in what it is CLEARLY an Africa analogue.
I haven't played wow in like 15 years so maybe shit is different now.
To be fair, mongrelmen are indeed an incredibly stupid concept.
>Orcs say "dogg" and "know what I'm sayin" in their jokes
So did most of the internet when this shit was added. Are you twelve?
>he said, on the internet