Why is it so comfy?
Why is it so comfy?
I did not find it comfy at all. Tarantula is a hack and a degenerate.
its trash
Because you're a brainlet who takes comfort in lowbrow entertainment
both rocking the "hide my receding hairline" cut
>Classic Hollywood ambience
>Engaging dialogue
>Fun characters doing fun things
>Fantastic 60's soundtrack
Every little detail went into making this world real again, Tarantula applies his skill set perfectly.
I was uncomfortable the whole movie.
you could spend hours with rick and cliff
Because McDonalds beef and High Fructose Corn Syrup has melted your brain to the point where you think this was a good film.
yeah you really get the sense that they are bros having fun, its so comfy to watch
So funny to watch contrarian groupthink of people who participate on daily marvel or sw threads. Can't appreciate a flick by one of the last decent directors acting like there's currently better things out there.
It's fine to not like things. To say he's a hack is disingenuous and revealing about your taste.
It's the only good Tarantino and it's not degenerate, in fact it trashes hippies, so that was pretty unexpected and nice. It's a based masculine movie when we are surrounded by oestrogen pilled garabge.
worst movie i have seen in my life
unironically based and accurate
the relationship between those 2 is very wholesome and comfy, thats why
A lot of the production work they added to sunset was so good a lot of the places made it permanent.
>if you don't like tarantino you like marvel and sw
Checked. Also good post.
Check you testosterone levels.
was this really necessary?
It's due to the incredible compassion and respect that the fag Tarantino actually puts into the movie. He doesn't pull any stupid moves for the giggles, it's all real, beautiful. I dislike him but this film is incredible, one of the best ever and easily the best he's ever made and likely will ever make.
Yeah man, just two friends that can share a beer or seven.
'nothing happens' - the movie
"negative IQ" - the post
usually when a movie is comfy its because nothing happens
When I watched this movie I was quite upset and disappointed with this movie. Nothing happened in the plot and the ending was subverted.
Only after you realize it's supposed to be a comfy, slice of life flick do you appreciate it. I wish someone had told me that going in.
Leo needs to understand, Brad a demigod
10 years from now...
what did he mean by this?
Leo getting flabby. He doesn't have Jack N. talent.
Biopics are the worst
>t. Jack
That guy who had Jack. N type talent... Viggo
desu Viggo was always more De Niro
I kept waiting for Cliff to disappear forever at Spahn movie ranch.
That was a tense scene and I knew Tex was the most dangerous of the bunch.