Joker is about social isolation, mental illness and depression

>joker is about social isolation, mental illness and depression
>gets appropiated by normies

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because even social isolation, mental illness and depression can be gentrified

Normalfags are socially isolated now dumbfuck

Because it’s sill capeshit wrapped in a “le deep-woke” blanket, made to appeal to normies. It’s no better than BvS or Avengers

it is though

look at this fucking roastie whore, if i was there i would bash her fucking face in and when she falls to the ground i would stomp her face into the stairs until its nothing but FUCKING PULP HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

This Joker wasn't even a villain.

10/10 if she gets pushed down the steps

I hate women so much bros. I want to see them skinned alive.

batman is as normalfag as it gets

It was mostly saying incels and losers are dangerous just like Cuck the movie.
It's part of the liberal globohomo agenda that targets incels, look at the articles and the twitter shill post telling big companies to fire incels.

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Golden Lion

Imagine stomping her face onto those steps haha


why do incels love joker so much?

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>Concerning yourself with the behavior of normies

Why? Really, why? You're inviting them into your head and LETTING them torment you for free. They don't even give you a second thought, but you're going to sit around and whip yourself because some nobody thought danced on some stairs?

Do you even know her name? I don't and I never will, why would I care what she does?

i want a gf

>>joker is about social isolation, mental illness and depression

except joker is literally the most popular villain in comicbook history

normies have been depressionposting for a few years now, they think it's the coolest thing
>i wanna die im a loser lmao

this video was from around the time joker released. would you really compare the depths that the joker danced down to the same as being locked up with your friends/family for a couple months? I can't wait for you kids to go back to school.

I can't hate on these legs desu senpai

those legs are something else

I can't wait for you incels to have sex

you fags sound like women. uhh im not like other people huhhuh im mysterious and brooding

leg hivemind

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I was hoping for her to slip and break her neck.

Normies are such NPCs they even pretended to be nerds for half a decade despite having no interest in it

You tell us 2019 larping shitskin

i want them wrapped around my neck, about to snap it


>Joker is about assimilation with gentiles and its impossibility, at least while remaining insular and neurotic
>Rebellion against G-d the Father in absent Father, Wayne
>20th century post-Shoah line of thinking that the covenant was broken with G-d by G-d through inaction [like absent Wayne]
Normies are what made it a multi-billion grossing film. That's down to marketing and being purpose built: for normies -- as a run of the studio mill "Wagies RISE UP!" mixed in with some race tension against white wallstreet suits, it's in line with what the studio system has been putting out for a decade or so now on that media programming front.

Dangerously based

uh because it's all normies joke about

haven't you ever been to a facebook group or Yas Forums? it's literally just meme after meme of laughing about xanax and being depressed

seriously, go look at a "ylyl" on Yas Forums right now, it's full of LOL RANDOM WACKY SOUND EFFECT MUSIC VIDEOS and LE EPIC SADBOY SUICIDE memes

>except joker is literally the most popular villain in comicbook history

Seriously. He's probably in the top 5 of comic book characters.outside of Batman, Superman, Spiderman, I really can't think of any comic book characters I'd put over joker

You wouldn't get it

Alright... I was hating at first, but that's pretty based. I might have been wrong.

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Because normalfags think sad = depressed. It's becoming more and more common to be depressed, and since we live in a society where mental illness awareness exists, mental illness is discussed more and more. I've never been depressed/mentally ill but I highly doubt all these normalfags have actually been either.

Because it’s an overwhelmingly sympathetic movie despite its New Hollywood edge. Arthur has a valid reason for his situation and you can’t blame nearly any of his misfortunes on himself. It’s easy to why so many people latched onto him. The movie directly points its finger on a corrupt society and the people who abuse the weak.
For the opposite, see someone like Travis Bickle who’s a repulsive hypocritical character with very little logical thought. You can chalk up his loneliness and bizarre personality on PTSD or something but it’s fair to argue that Travis was someone who was messed up before the war. Taxi Driver completely eschews any sympathetic angle for Travis for a more bare honest one. It’s not afraid of criticising its protagonist but the movie is largely absent of any moralising. Abrasive protagonists and anti-moralising is repellent for the general audience.

The ONLY reason you faggots like joker so much is because of all those articles that came out that told you it was an incel movie and you expected him to be litterally you.
You are so influenced by these journalists and dont even know it.

damn, we've been playing 1D checkers while the journalists were playing 3D chess the whole time

You're a weak bitch stop kidding yourself you wouldn't even be brave enough to talk her duck off with your violent fantasies

it's capeshit

that's your answer