Cast it.
ER: The Movie
Why was he such a retarded faggot? He looked good, wasnt having a difficult life and had a nice car. Why are kids from great backgrounds soo nutty?
Tiny Asian penis
Who plays his sister
His dad was a chinless weeb
Me with a wig
>Soo nutty
He was mentally ill you fuckhead
He was half jewish dude
peace? is peace all you're interested in? the real war is in us. History is a symptom of our disease.
Shitty liberal parents that don't beat the fear of God in their spoilt California kid
Failed normie. Was popular in middle school, hung out with the skater kids, went to prom with a hot girl, loved his mom and half bro. Decided to go full autism cause of his insecurities with his dad.
>The irony of the sun making Him look even more yellow during His blessed proclamation of the Day of Retribution. Our Blessed Elliot should have found some shade to park in.
no, that symbolized his sainthood brilliantly
also the fact that it's a sunset fits well considering it was his last video
>mentally ill
Doubt it, he was just an entitled faggot that needed someone to kick his ass more often.
>Dude has a sister
>Who he listened to her having sex
I really need to read hin manifesto
It reads like Of Mice and Men
That must have been real painful for samuel
he needed someone to love him more often
They all look the same lol
I read it. It was honestly very boring.
Love isn't a charity, there's absolutely no reason for anyone to love a bitter little faggot.
Ezra Miller as Elliot
Hayden Panetierre as Monette Moio
Elliot's dad as Elliot's dad (cameo)
Sylvester Stallone as himself
Mikey Madison as his sister
also: Penn Badgley (dude from You) as Samuel the door plunger
"My Twisted World" a Black Comedy directed by Todd Solondz
Opens with a YouTube clip of our Elliot stand-in, basically emulating his last vlog. After it ends, we go back some weeks before recounting all of his delusional journeys. Stuff like his attempt to go to random parties and losing his grandma's necklace.
The last act is his rampage which plays out like a gore porn thriller where he guns down every stacey and chad he sees in an overly fantastical manner before we hard cut to Elliot unable to open the doors to the sorority and dropping his gun the stairs and scrambling away, sweaty, and panicked as other people start to notice that he has a gun on him.
How could anyone realistically rehabilitate from this?
love is unconditional. i love you because you are still beautiful to me because you still look like you did when you were a baby.
by being given a qt gf
I’m ashamed to say I’ve read his snore fest of a manifesto.
And yeah listen to any random 5 minutes of this shit and you’ve basically heard the whole thing. It blows my fucking mind how fixated he was on women and sex.
>yeah bro sex is overrated lmao
>wtf dude you're a virgin? lol
>i totally banged her last night bro
>i cant live without fucking a new hole every weekend lmao
It isn’t hard to ignore that shit at all. People who talk like that are empty and you shouldn’t envy them.
tiny circumcised asian penis
He was a lobster
Even rich lobsters have lower attitude
You’re missing the point here. Elliot pedestalized women and sex with them as an elite thing that only the best and greatest people have the privilege of doing. There is nothing elite about sex. There’s no privilege to penis in vagina. Our ancestors certainly didn’t fathom such bullshit, they just had sex and made babies.
Why did you just make up imaginary quotes?