Did anyone else think the twist at the end was completely unnecessary and didn't make any sense considering the...

Did anyone else think the twist at the end was completely unnecessary and didn't make any sense considering the knowledge each copy of Addy had about the world?

I mean I guess you could say they both just repressed their memories entirely but that seems like a bad cop-out to justify a bad twist that was thrown in at the end for no reason

Attached: Us_PosterArt.jpg (344x488, 27.63K)

this movie falls apart as soon as the doubles chase them out of the house

trash nigger movie

Absolutely makes no sense. Ruins an otherwise horrible movie.

only blacks like this garbage

heap big brain

Imagine not being able to understand a movie made for blacks. It literally spells everything out for your stupid honkey ass.

based mentally impaired OP

I'm with the movie until we see underground people acting out what the people above ground are doing. That's just fucking stupid and implausible.

Go on. Explain how it makes sense. Faggot.

i like how Yas Forumstards are saying Peel movies are stupid but fail horribly to even understand them lol

What's to understand?

>can't comprehend the simplest things in the movie


of course i meant the post below. This

Explain how it doesn't, It's so easy to understand that I don't even see how you're confused.

Explain how they became fucking rabbit farmers?

I don't watch pozzed movies.

blak gud
wyte bad

How did they feed the rabbits? How did they live solely off of rabbit?

Correct. It was all downhill from there. It’s just complete nonsense by the end.

It was actually just a question, I'm asking you what did you perceive that needed understanding?

Not sure what's programmed all of you to be so anti-conversation.


>rabbits have a lot of babies
>eat them

You got a big brain, I'm sure you can figure this out without the movie wasting runtime telling you.

>be dead due to fat starvation
its pottery. for niggers.


The movie, much like the vastly superior Get Out, starts off somewhat grounded before taking its audience into the twisted fantasy. Us, however, takes the audience into a space that not only isn’t grounded, but doesn’t even hold together. To illustrate:

>Get Out
>A wealthy cabal finds a means of immortality living in “trendy” new bodies

>A woman uncovers a vast, sweeping, but ultimately failed conspiracy concerning cloning and mind control wherein the entire populace of *at least* a sizable town if not the whole country, has retard clones of themselves vaguely pantomiming their lives in endless tunnels wearing red jumpsuits and subsisting on a seemingly endless supply of rabbits for decades after the conspirators inexplicably abandoned their project, yet left their test subjects alive, until one of them found a way to the surface and swapped places with her twin who for reasons never explained, can’t simply make good on the same escape her twin had already affected

See how one premise is a little easier to swallow than the other?

How did they feed them? With what? How did they live off rabbit alone, let alone raw rabbit? Tell me.

You got me, theres no way to survive on rabbits alone. What does this prove?

I didn't think you had to buy the premise of horror movies.

Nice deflection.


That’s not an answer. You have no answer.

That the movie sucks lol

black art is usually very literal so when they try to use metaphors it comes out all silly
I can’t believe the director let that chick use that retarded voice the whole movie.

What am I deflecting?

I agree

If the rabbits ruined the immersion for you theres really nothing to argue about. I have no answer for it.

That’s the problem: suspension of disbelief. If your premise goes from grounded to full surreal without even the slightest hint that any of the protagonists’ sanity might be shaky, you lose the audience. You have to buy into a story’s premise to really enjoy it. When an author insists you just take what he has to offer at face value with no attempt at all to achieve an internal consistency, he’s not just being lazy, he’s insulting your intelligence. Shows like Twilight Zone and Tales from the Dark Side mastered this. In fact, the intro narration of both shows nails it. For the purpose of illustration, I provide the less-familiar TftDS:

>Mankind lives in the daylight world he likes to believe is reality; however, there exists a another world that is just as real, though not so brightly lit - a dark side

It is the author’s job to put his audience in such a space, where what you’re experiencing, while fantasy, is plausible enough for the audience to invest in, to believe in.

Me either.

Twilight Zone handwaves nearly all of it's science fiction and supernatural elements.