What are some good depressing suicide kinos?
What are some good depressing suicide kinos?
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Why is he very specifically 19? Why did zoomers ruin Wojak?
>imagine what it be like to start life over with everything he's learn
hit too close to home
How embarrassing
Are you trying to romanticize this character you imagined? It's you, isn't it? This is a fucking travesty of autism.
Ill fuckin hit you if you carry on like this you stupid CUNT
Because kids that age always believe themselves to be somehow more conscious and aware than literally anybody else.
Get off the internet gramps
that'd be retarded. at the very most i'd opt to go back to being 16
You’re not special
google it, nutsack
Wow! What an interesting personality!
These fucking eye wrinkles tho. Why???? I am 24 and my eyes look 40 baka
Isn't this just schizo?
Any major movie theater releases to me. Avengers end game for example or IT chapter 2.
No, that's not what schizophrenia is. Don't help his case by saying stupid crap.
Nice rage comic
I F*CKING love these epic wojaks bros, theyre like LITERALLY me ;P
im also depressed underachiever and kind of smart :)
what are some good THINKER BOOMER DOOMER kinos? haha ;P
Everyone on this site has a part to play in wojack down fall, firstly the pee pee poo poo posters
This is unironically me.
>imagine what it be like to start life over with everything he's learn
I read a pretty good doujin series based on this premise
I really hate you faggots
holy sh!t reddit, he's just like me
ironically he's just like you
used to overthink everything too, now I don't give a fuck
who are some other epic gamer celebrities?
Schizoid Personality Disorder, Depression, 99% of Aspergers cases and anxiety disorders aren't fucking real. Stop self diagnosing yourself you fucking weirdos and wake up.
I am going to...
Ironically he's nothing like you
Only people that age?
Nobody else thinks that?
Rules of Attraction