Triple Frontier vs Extraction

So its basically DC (Bafleck) vs Marvel (Thor).

So what is the better film from this two?

Attached: triple frontier extraction.jpg (3076x2200, 1.74M)

They're both trash. At least Triple Frontier isn't filled with street shitters

at least triple frontier didn't have as much STRONG WOMYN YAAAAASSSSS KWEEEEEEN bullshit as cuck extraction lol

>Charlie Hunnam and Garret Hedlund in the same movie

RIP to people who thought they were the same person

Triggered much by pajeeta operator?

it's fucking feminist bullshit lmao

have sex

Triple Frontier was shit and fucking boring, haven't watched Extraction

dilate tranny


extraction's got a retarded YAAASSSS KWEEEEEN poo ninja bitch "operator" lmao

>Triple Frontier was shit and fucking boring
No, it was surprisingly good. Modern western.

>getting triggered because a woman is on your screen

Attached: I see a bunch of faggots on these.jpg (1920x1080, 335.1K)

Oh no now you have two threads to spam with your butthurt ;^)

>unironically defending STRONG WOMAN bullshit
you fucking retarded simp cuck lol

Triple Frontier was okay.
Had a 10/10 cast, and the trailer looked fucking badass. Wasn't the jungle-heist movie I was expecting though.

but there isnt any stronk wahman bullshit in it
if anything hemsworth is unbelievable killing like 400 pajeets

Triple frontier was decent but toothless, wanted to be Sierra madre but doesn't commit to the necessary cynicism.

We are hitting levels of irony that haven't even thought possible

Attached: mad times.jpg (1920x1080, 275.1K)

>but there isnt any stronk wahman bullshit in it
are you fucking retarded? hemsworth dies like a bitch but the fucking poo woman survives lol the end of the movie is all about her being a fucking poo ninja assassin bitch lmao

Watch the better Hemsworth film instead

Attached: 12 strong.jpg (378x538, 52.46K)

Attached: yep thats it.jpg (454x600, 77.31K)

You should see the other thread he's been screaming about wahman for an hour lmao

what the fuck do you call defending that STRONG WOMAN BADASS KWEEEEN YAAASSSSS bullshit you fucking simp? fucking "male feminist" pussy ass bitch lol

>hemsworth dies
>woman survives
omg how will Yas Forums ever recover
confirmed for not having watched / being a fag

>John Wick is okay but this isn't

man of taste spotted

are you fucking retarded?
>t...the little poo saw him from the pool that means he's alive

>omg how will Yas Forums ever recover you can't just insult women like m'lady poo
fucking cuck lol

>John Wick is okay but this isn't
bitch john wick got fucking retarded with that halle berry bitch bullshit lol look at the fucking stunt men waiting around for her to finish her shit hahahaha

triple frontier was very.... lowest common denominator in a LOT of areas but i still enjoyed it.

suicide when?

>Fat old slow Keanu is okay but Halle Berry isn't

fucking retard

>unironically defending halle berry's retarded ass shit in john wick
you fucking beta faggot

triple frontier kind of had more character interactions going between the team
this can be good or bad though depending what you're looking for though

she was on screen for like 4 minutes bro

hey why did you stop spamming the other thread?
too much getting btfo in two threads at the same time?

doesn't fucking matter man she shouldn't have been in it to begin with lol it was fucking retarded to have a STRONG WOMAN "OPERATOR" lmao and it's fucking retarded she survived but hemsworth died hahaha what the fuck is that feminist cuckshit hahahaha

She's older than he is retard.

>Halle Berry is retarded shit but Keanu is okay

>too much getting btfo in two threads at the same time?
hahahaha you little bitch defending strong womyn bullshit in 2 fucking threads hahahaha imagine lmao you fucking "male feminist" cuck lol

oh yikes, there's starting to be a lot of people you have to reply to to troll, isn't there? haha faggot