What happened to Disney?
What happened to Disney?
walt died
Jews took over.
They took the POZpill
Walt was /ourguy/
horse pusy
In that order.
Being a pedophile excludes him from being /ourguy/. Yas Forums doesn't tolerate pedophilia
Disney got more based. Compare that degenerate furfag shit to Tangled or Moana where nubile teenage girls run around barefoot for the entire movie.
>Yas Forums doesn't tolerate pedophilia
too dry
White women happened.
I think the point of his comment was the opposite. He was implying the girl was sexy when as a little girl she shouldn't be drawn that way. 4D constructive critcism.
do women really?
The point of her existence in the narrative is to attract Mowgli to live in the human village. This doesn't make any sense if he doesn't perceive her to be sexy.
Ollie and Walt knew what they were doing.
You can be attracted to things for other than they're sexy. I am attracted to the town I currently live in because it is safe and has good property values.
Stop trying to fuck the town you live in user - that's wrong
Mowgli is a little boy he doesn't give a shit about property values.
they banned LCD, all animators were on drugs at the time
also is this the point where ponyshit has its start? We already know furry shit is directly related to Disney.
That's enough internet for today!
They are taking Walt out of Disney
Its no longer his empire or legacy
it's lsd you fucking mong 12 year old
I was just about to eat my scrambled egg, user, for fucks sake.
fuck your mutt language with two C sounds but one of them is occasionally a K seriously shit tier alohabet
Yeah I'm sure a horny 12 yr old boy was only attracted to the town
sadly, she was a poo
>Shit Baloo, I might be a young boy, I think I'm gonna move to that human village, they have some great fucking real estate man, even met a young girl there who could hit me up with some work in a sawmill, the hours are long but man the medical insurance is off the charts, double that with the tax incentives from the government's Pradesh Jungle Relocation stimulus package and I'm fucking set.
fuck man