Doomer kino

Any kino's for this feel?

Attached: Doomguy.jpg (1048x1081, 303.96K)

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yeah, right over at

The one thing I don't understand about doomers is the getting drunk constantly/going on night walks aspect. My parents would never let me do such a thing. Also, it seems a little retarded. Getting pissed and going around on walks at night is just going to make you feel worse.

as a former doomer type stop treating your depression like a fashion accessory or some kind of cool personality trait and things will get better

>parents would never let me do such a thing.
Are you twelve?

stop being fat

No, I'm in my mid twenties. I just still live at home.

I don't drink but why would going on nightwalks make me feel worse? exercise, external stimulation, tranquility. what on earth could be bad about that? people go on nightwalks because they enjoy them. I guess some dumb subset of "doomers" thought that nightwalks were supposed to be some ebin depressing thing or something

Anericans will seethe at this because their parents throw them out if the house as soon as they can

What the fuck is stimulating about a night walk? I literally can't think of anything less stimulating. Maybe staring at a wall and that's only because your legs wouldn't be moving. You'd think as someone who's depressed you'd do everything you can to avoid being alone with your own thoughts.
Oh yes, and then you can pass a band of normalfags on their night out just to remind yourself of how different you are. How pleasant!

>doomer themed disco nights, with literally the meme wojaks on the posters
>all that normie "omg im so depressed" shits attending

doomer meme was shit from the beginning, i'm glad it got ruined

Attached: doomer.jpg (980x1348, 230.68K)

Do you look like someone who will get beaten and robbed at night ?

Maybe if he stopped eating mcdonalds and actually went on /sig/ he would actually be happier

t.former fatass that had his whole life changed around when i visited /sig/

Probably -- I'm 5'4 and don't exercise, so barring an act of god I wouldn't be able to hold my own against a male my age, or more than one.

is that the singer of KORN?

That's what I've been trying to with it.

The whole Doomer thing should really be a bridge to finding other people having a shitty time and actually finding solutions/coping.

Solidarity is nice when you feel shitty and alone.

The nice thing about the Doomer meme is that even though it's a stupid cliche meme, and it's supposed to be ironic, a lot of people still connect and find common ground over it.

(Gonna' shill some trash now)
I started this whole Podcast/Playlist thing with the sole intent of trying to pull people out of a rut, if not at-least by bringing attention to others in similar situations, and possibly to others that have gotten out of them.

brainlet check

Fuck, Tim Pool looks like shit now

Attached: 1558900089701.jpg (960x626, 46.17K)

that guy is finn, give him a break.
>thread to make fun of
>immediately show you're an even bigger faggot


fuck I hate fat pe*ple

Holy shit, millennials and their obsession with trying to build an identity over shit they find on the internet is fucking pathetic.

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>fat fuck

Millennials are old now, it's zoomers who do this shit

This has to be tha gayest thing to come out of this site for a long time.

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fat people aren't human, change my mind

Do you people not live in urban areas?

Do you know the kind of filth that slithers out into the gutters once the sun sets?

Memes generally spawn from mocking reality.
"Doomers" aren't real, but they're an exaggeration of commonalities in the group they're parodying - so in a sense, they are a thing.
It just shouldn't be used as an identifier.

Nightwalks are for middle class whites. No one would do it in a poor neighborhood, especially not on with blacks.

If I went for a "nightwalk" in my neighborhood it would include five-or-six instances of some nigger asking me "hey man you alright?" trying to get me to buy drugs, and that's the tame part of it.

Getting drunk constantly is something only people with people who support them can do.

Nihilism is fucking gay. Doomers are faggots.