Bros I'm in love

Bros I'm in love

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she looks like the bottom of my foot, get better taste

>make fun of simps
>also act like utter simps if the woman is even remotely attracitve
What did Yas Forums mean by this?

yes supreme leader!

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It looks like her skeleton has almost freed himself

Can I lick your foot?


she must seethe every time she sees a south korean

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You think she'll let Trump or penetrate her for some yellowcake?

this is 4channel.

Imagine the copulation with a big black cock

yeah, Yas Forums is giving her money via onlyfan.

Why does she look like her face is melting?

She looks like a skele thing

Wtf I'm a commie footlicker now

What the fuck is this.

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It's interesting because you know for a fact that she has sex slaves just like Kim Jong Un did

I've spoken to Yas Forums, be sure to check my next video on the subject on the dramaalert channel on Youtube for the full disclosure

I'm sure she'd look similar if she got as much plastic surgery as south koreans do.

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gooks with those single eyelids look evil

Shut the fuck up you stupid incel faggots. She's cute. I really love her.

>I love this woman i've never met and that I didn't even know existed a week ago

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jeez. why are they so mental.

Every bad guy needs to have facial structures that are not normal

Don't worry, they have surgery for that too.

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the phrase is "boot licker" user

a scar

she has an onlyfans? where?

pretty sure these are threads made by ccp shills to win over people

Looks like cholera patient.


pls give ayy gf

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Why the hell would the chinese shill the noks.


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any pornstar who looks like her?

Based but also kinda cringe

She looks like someone who has a plan to stop Gojira.

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She is a reptilian wearing human skin, what you see is the skin falling.

>Gojira always meant to represent Western capitalism and its destructive effect on traditional values