Brad Pitt as Dr. Anthony Fauci Addresses Trump’s Coronavirus Misinformation in ‘At Home’


>Pitt portrayed Dr. Anthony Fauci in a sobering address about coronavirus, acknowledging that “there has been a lot of misinformation out there about the virus” and deciding to clarify “what the president was trying to say.” Instead of reaching for jokes, the show used its platform to deliver real information about the state of the pandemic.

>The NBC late-night sketch comedy show cut in real-world footage of Donald Trump’s speeches about coronavirus, starting with his claim that he had had some great meetings and there would be a vaccine “relatively soon.” To this, Pitt as Fauci clarified that “relatively soon is an interesting phrase. Relative to the entire history of Earth? Sure, the vaccine is going to come real fast. But if you were to tell a friend, ‘I’ll be over relatively soon’ and then showed up a year and a half later, well, your friend may be relatively pissed off.”

>At the end of the sketch, Pitt pulled off his Fauci wig and thanked the real Dr. Fauci for his “calm and clarity during this unnerving time.” He also thanked the medical workers, first responders and their respective families.

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>Instead of reaching for jokes, the show used its platform to deliver real information about the state of the pandemic.
>SNL officially gives up even trying to be funny

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Insufferable faggots

Brad Pitt has something to hide.

This week’s episode was actually pretty funny, especially considering they’re all doing it from home. Kenan even did a great quarantine edition of What’s Up With That sketch.

now THIS is what it means to speak truth to power

Who needs jokes when you can just laugh at Trump’s idiocy.

Jesus I thought Brad Pitt was above this crap.

A massive dick

>B-b-but Brad is supposed to be based and red pilled like me because of Tarantino movie memes!!

He's orange, dude. ORANGE!!! Hahaha


There's pictures of him naked, he has a regular penis.

That's not it.
It's because most people think of actors such as Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, etc to be above the political dog fighting that lesser actors such as Seth Rogen commit to on a regular basis.

A job is a job I suppose.

lmao just inject disinfectant, maybe uv screen the whole body dude lmao

>“relatively soon is an interesting phrase. Relative to the entire history of Earth? Sure, the vaccine is going to come real fast. But if you were to tell a friend, ‘I’ll be over relatively soon’ and then showed up a year and a half later, well, your friend may be relatively pissed off.”
What a fucking pedantic rebuttal.

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You will be revealed, Brad.

That was nice but was the 20 minutes rant about "filthy chinamen" really necessary, Brad?

I don't know about the current situation of the states, but your media moguls are straight up programming now

Obama literally made domestic propaganda legal.

based. fuck white people and borders

Drumpies btfo

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Why do you think it’s called television programming?

>People think Brad Pitt isn’t political because they don’t see bait tweet threads about him posted on Yas Forums


Well let’s be honest the show died a long time ago

Nah, fuck brainlets and hillbillies is more like it

Brad Pitt is based and don't have to pay for fucking womens contrary to the orange retard.

Hey, Trump knows about UV light, I mean just look at him. Guy spends hours every week to maintain that orange glow

t. Trump minion

Midwits are a bad joke.

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Working overtime today, shill?

Its time to eat up, fellow magapedes

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Why do Americans love SNL so much?
Unfunny skits and political commentary populated by celebs wanting to remind you they still exist, atleast here in bongland we make them insects and stuff.

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Pitt is a Hollywood liberal who's had skin in the game since hurricane katrina. He married fucking Angelina Jolie and adopted a bunch of 3rd world kids. He probably asked to be on the show

you aren't left enough buddy. you need to be actively against the white devil or you are literally hitler. can't wait for the day when white men are no longer needed for the cause. fuck off cumskin

Has there ever been a more obvious media plant than Dr Fauci?

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Hasn’t he been working for the CDC for the last 30 years

See, that’s just it, it’s too convenient!

Whats that look like?
Asking for a friend.

Inject bleach

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Based. Reminds me of that video where a white guy got bullied and assaulted by the blm people he was protesting with.

>I don't care if Fauci is an experienced physician and immunologist, I choose to believe a retarded reality TV "star" and fat neckbeards on Yas Forums who didn't even finish high school!!!

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He's their chosen child, their Pope of science. Best friends with somebody at the big networks.

>Instead of reaching for jokes

>Instead of reaching for jokes
Oh is that what they've been doing?