What was meant by this?

What was meant by this?

Attached: 1587899436285.webm (568x320, 1.08M)

Attached: good boy2.webm (720x720, 1.98M)

>Tiny bones
Enjoy your dead dog and million dollar vet bill


Attached: 1571938036817.webm (640x480, 2.93M)

kek that dog is so sick of the guy

Guys, why do chinks lack compassion for others and nature? Was it years of communism? Russians might act cruel with each other but they seem to have the same respect of nature that the average person would have.

mmmmm that's gonna be good for dog

Attached: dog drink.webm (1280x720, 2.53M)

do you have compassion for cows faggot? same thing its just more food


Unironically it was communism during the famine years the CCP said the people should and could eat anything. Before that their diet was much closer to western diets with rice being their carbohydrate.

my and my gf in quar

chang spotted


Attached: 1581160078537.png (600x800, 12.2K)

Holy shit that dog's stare is way too judgemental, I can almost hear him say "you're over 30 faggot get a grip on life"

>biting water

dogs are retarded

>do you have compassion for cows
I don't torture cows in the most painful way possible before I eat them. Unlike chinks

It's size of the bones is a much smaller issue than the fact that they're cooked. Raw bones are relatively soft and spongy, so dogs can chew them up and digest them and they rarely cause problems (but small bones like chicken bones are slightly more dangerous since there's a higher chance of the dog not chewing them so they aren't fully digested and can get stuck somewhere). When a bone is cooked, it dehydrates and becomes hard, brittle and indigestible. It's prone to shattering into long, sharp slivers, and it can tear their throat, stomach and especially bowels and frequently kill them even with (expensive) vet intervention.

Yeah I showed some to your mom last night when I cumed on her stomach and not her bedsheets

How many takes did you think that took?

Attached: time_for_red_rocket.png (1250x1070, 387.57K)


it was just trying to block the pot. it's a dog. nothing was meant by it

Yellow hands typed this

How many takes do you think this took?

Attached: 1586417540518.webm (854x480, 1.01M)

>image source: Reddit and trannies on twitter

I'm not against the consumption of animals, you fucks. There is a difference between killing an animal with a clean kill, then preparing it safely and then there is torturing the animal before killing it or not even killing it and consuming it while its still alive. I'm surprised it took this long for a disease to break out in China with how awful their measures to prepare food are and how unclean they are. I had my bets on either India or China fucking up and releasing a virus that could kill all of us.

seeing the tongue scoop for the first time noticeably raised by esteem for dogs

>literally trained to fight wars
>sniff cancer
>expedite illness

white incels seething their women would rather fuck dogs than them lol

no wonder asian males commit shooting sprees at such a high rate in white countries



>muh russians so evil
grow up

I wonder how many times that's spammed per day. Doesn't look like the person sleeps.

Say what you will about white women but you'd never see one openly humiliating a white guy and choosing a black man. At least not to the common extent it is that's easily recorded online with Asian girls drooling over white guys.

How do I play this on my phone

that looks so ineffective

Okay chang

Attached: 1570764841363.webm (640x640, 1.13M)

>do you have compassion for cows faggot?
mandatory reply from the mandatory in-thread 14yo with no friends who has to act edgy to feel something.

>what is amateur cuck porn
Lmao. Just had to.

>cooked chicken
fucking idiot

because it's the truth lmao. could say that about every other red pill spread on this site, people must know homie

based hapa chastising my women for me
white males are too controversial to take advice from, but a non-sexual entity like a hapa is akin to being lectured by their gay friend

Sure, but take a break. You literally don't sleep, looking through the archives.