Why are millenials so obsessed with Harry Potter?

Attached: 1582548611605.webm (640x800, 1.68M)

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It's nice to belong to something and to feel like you are in agreement with the people around you, that they like the things you like


First girl I dated was a big fan and invited me to watch the movies

Every girl I met likes Harry Potter. I have no idea

fun fact. this is a tranny with a fake eye


Must suck to be you, Chad

oh wow it's a white "girl" in a shitty wig with no tits and no ass flailing about because "she" can't dance

I didn't fuck any. I meant in school and family members, co workers etc

He's still better looking than you roastie

Attached: 1549790189345.png (716x1000, 557.05K)

She's trans? She passes well.

How is Das Boot?

sehr gut

Imagine doing that on alphalt when your junk can hit the floor.

>the fag nigger behind

Top tier kino


I'm 30 and could never figure it out either

t. simp



It's all about "Nerd Culture". Harry Potter came about around the time being a nerd drifted into being seen as cool, so it was a perfect gateway into the social capital of being a "Nerd" but without any of the other factors. This is why HP fans always seems to make comments like "I'm such a nerd lol" but know jackshit about anything that isn't massively popular and consumerized.

Because they have not read a book since they were 12 years old

>Harry Potter came about around the time being a nerd drifted into being seen as cool, so it was a perfect gateway into the social capital of being a "Nerd" but without any of the other factors

Harry Potter came about in the mid 90s though. Personally I still just like listening to the Audiobooks every now and then, it's cozy stuff. I haven't read the books since I was a child/the last ones were released, and the movies just suck.

This is what leftist want society to be like and it's beautiful


Why are white "people" like this?

>manages to be even more sickening with sound




10 / 10

Because normies flock to anything they're told to like. Especially if its sterile and mundane but with a hint of pseudo edge so they feel "rebellious" in this case pseudo magick/occultism.

Is this real

Any glowniggers on right now? I wanna commit a mass shooting dressed as a harry potter character once this corona shit blows over.

>Why are females, so obsessed with Harry Potter?
Females user.

No, she's a lesbian though.