Tom holland’s career

Since finding out he actually fucks braindead thots who don’t know what a Gulag is I’ve gone off him and don’t care if his career dies. I don’t know if it’s lockdown depression but I preferred him when he seemed gay, this gay baiting while having the sexual tastes of a paki is really off putting. Still looking forward to Devil All the Time because of RPatz.

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A what?

Lmao I see what you did there

It's the russian acronym for Main Administration of Camps which was the agency operating the soviet labour camps.

Sounds like a good thing.

They put intellectuals and dissidents in there, so roasties are safe if they ever start up again.

I hope he'll do porn

He will probably have a sex tape, although whether it’s with some rough Daddy or a horse faced thot is up for debate

>Since finding out he actually fucks braindead thots who don’t know what a Gulag is I’ve gone off him
Fuck off back to Datalounge.

Tom Holland and Ty Simpkins and Jake Gylenhaal are relentlessly handsome.

Found the braindead thot. Didn’t read much Becky?

>Tomdaya is totally a thing! He loves Z! I can’t even even!

hip new word on fortnite

pics of the thots he fugged?

Peter Parker used to be a socially awkward scientist nerd who lusted after a hot redhead. Now he's a dumb teen simping for a revolting mutt.

>Since finding out he actually fucks braindead thots
Stopped reading there. Tom Holland is gay as fuck.
t. Someone in the know

OP's photo.

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Giving a fuck about the intelligence of the women another guy fucks is gay as fuck.

Your fap material?
>misgender me daddy

he seems pretty based

It’s more complex than that, he built up this image so it’s disappointing he’s just a Deano. You sound very Alabama

If based is pulling a typical wonky faced thot, then yeah, based.

nice counter psyop, Tom's PR team. but you ain't fooling anybody

>Since finding out he actually fucks braindead thots


stfu roastie

>I’ve gone off him and don’t care if his career dies
Who the fuck cares what you think about a celebrity?


You sound like you’ve only experienced the vagina via illustrations in an anatomy textbook you uniquely useless human being. Please keep up the good work not fucking breeding.

stfu roastie

It's "chimping" you illiterate baboon.

He’s got one living at his house during lockdown

I’m not sure what your angle is, an actor with a certain image is actually a disappointing chav and that’s a win for feminism? You’re confusing.

Yeah they don’t have fanbases, images, PR, a popularity based career, people are irrelevant.

Well you’re seething about my opinion in my thread so evidently you do, you’re my bitch.

Proof. And not just *he looked at Gyllenhaal like this...*

His “best” friend that he always hanging around with is his boyfriend

It was that guy who introduced him to the thot, by all accounts. She’s moved in with them, unless she’s a fag hag and is using him for a career boost.