>Dude we make fun of both sides lol we are so morally superior
Dude we make fun of both sides lol we are so morally superior
Why are Matt and Trey so based?
That's unironically based and true
OP owned again
that's completely correct though
This, but unironically
they cucked out of making fun of muslims tho lmao
That shitpost chart isn't even correct. Liberalism is almost always an addendum to politcal ideologies. You can be a Liberal Fascist or Liberal Socialist.
they are. they may not be very funny anymore but they are based.
producing libertard copies of themselves since 1997
>annnd 100% *deletes torrent*
it's all going downhill, since they cucked out of offending muhammad
>being mad at south park
is this 1999 again?
They didn't grow up as dorks. Trey was a popular Chad in theatre and Matt was a Musician with rich parents.
>>Dude we make fun of both sides lol we are so morally superior
They never have they were always democrats. Just look at shit like that my bush
And rightfully so. This was around the same time that cartoonist got stabbed to death while on a bike ride and cops found a planted bomb in a car near their studios
And thats why america is cucked now you gave into fear. Even french fags printed another paper as a fuck you to the terrorists
>And rightfully so
they act like they insult everybody equally then they fucking cucked out end of story lol
Notice they still shit on Catholics just 2 seasons ago. Cowardly.
>you have to be a democrat to realize Bush is a dumbass
Burgers really got a chip on their shoulder when it comes to christ faggotry. I wouldnt mind so much if they didnt bend over to third world savages and their beliefs
At least Bush was funny and Bros with Putin. No faggotry like in Obama era
That's the point. They went after easy religious targets but they stopped short of anything actually controversial. They're cowards.
yeah who cares about the Iraq war or any of that shit he was funny
ladies and gentlemen, the mind of a conservatard
>Parker and Stone stated before the 2000 presidential election that they would create a satire about whoever won. According to their DVD commentary, they were "95% certain that Gore would win" and started developing the series under the title Everybody Loves Al. When the final election results were in limbo, production was delayed until the winner was determined. With Bush's election, the title became the entendre rich That's My Bush!
I hate nuPark but their Tranny athletes episode was on point and on terms with their old controversial self. So was their "one for the girls" episode with the fecal transplants
contrary to most of you who hate the new episodes, i like them (except the FB one)
Why do you pretend to care?
None of the values of the middle east are compatible with the lefts ideals you should be happy they were/are bombing them
>I hate nuPark but their Tranny athletes episode was on point and on terms with their old controversial self.
Everyone forgets that episode tried to "balance" insulting trannies by showing women as superior to men at everything that doesn't involve physical strength.
oh right was that the one with the B story about the boys table top games?
And the show George was made out to be completely fucking retarded while Al was the based Neighbor always kicking in as the voice of reason
Yeah the girls were smarter and more organized than the stupid boys. Even the tranny plot was about how women face more challenges than men ever will and they're stronger for it even if they can't match men physically.
Guess i misremembered it then