Dude, just don't be born ugly and fat and then be yourself

>Dude, just don't be born ugly and fat and then be yourself.

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>born fat

I’ll accept ugly but no one is born fat, get up off the couch and eat better faggot

nah fat people will be fat forever they will NEVER change themselves

You forgot short
Being male and short is worse than fat or ugly

>born fat
reminds of that one line from full metal jacket

doesn't sound hard to me
maybe you fucks should stop being mad incels just because you're incapable of bettering yourselves

Yeah, it's a shit deal.
Fat? Lose weight
Ugly? Get plastic surdgery.

Short? No girl will touch you and there's nothing you can do.

Jesus Christ do you geeks ever stop seething
life is unfair get over it

Dude, just post on Yas Forums why you aren't even gonna try instead of just having sex.

>just break your legs and set them improperly bro

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I was about to start trying the day after the locked everything down, what can you do, guess I'll just keep being a fucking loser for another eighteen months

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I have no idea what you losers are talking about. My uncle is 5', but his wife is 6' something. His son looks like him, even the same unibrow issue, but 5'8".

and don't you dare bring this up ever, you aren't entitled to women silly boy

why are manlets the incels with most seething?

If I ever have a son, I will work so hard on making him a Chad, it's ridiculous. I was a late bloomer but only for the fact that my father was jealous of me and my siblings and always blocked our social lives by manipulation. We had the resources but he never let us use the car or the beach house and he never let us find a job under threat of disinheriting us.

>my son will have a car and a motorbike as soon as he is of age
>he will be involved in any sports he likes
>he will socialize at any occasion, his room is only for sleeping and studying

I find shorter guys or taller guys to be much more appealing height wise than average height t b h

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we need a seething tier list
manlets and larpers would be near the top

>have your legs snapped and metal rods and pins inserted into your bones
>spend six months to a year recovering
>if you ever run or walk without a stick again your legs will shatter
>Now you're 5'7 instead of 5'6, congrats bro, time to get fucking laid

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Yes. You aren't. You aren't entitled to shit. Seethe ugloids.

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>born fat
I mean sure, you can argue that the genetics of your brain causes you to be susceptible to food addiction.

Your whole post is extremely low IQ
>another eighteen months

Things will reopen in one or two months, do you really think people will live without jobs for longer than that? Herd immunity will come sooner and the vaccine.
>I was about to start trying the day after the locked everything down

Fucking retard, self improvement is done in your home, reading, building skills, lifting. You can do so much but you are looking for excuses because you are a lazy slob that will never amount to anything. Incels and other rejects were neutral to me but now I can see why people despise them. Pathetic is what you are.

>eugene never questioned how desperate for pussy i was again

women are not attracted to short dudes, not their fault, it's in their nature

How do I get over my urge to kill women? Don't say have sex because that would be a perfect opportunity to kill them.

>Herd immunity will come sooner than* the vaccine.

I'm tentatively going to say that this post is based, but I'm not sure yet

Dicklet, manlet, hairlet, in order of seething, highest to lowest
Better to be a visibly smaller man with an average to above average prick who can play the numbers game and learn to fuck than looking like chad with a tiny pecker
Imagine knowing every single woman you ever undress in front of will be crushingly disappointed by something you can't change and which it's essentially illegal to flag up to her beforehand

I'm a "m*nlet" (5'2''). And I'm far from seething, very fucking far from it. Anyone messes with me in real life tries to play funny man about my height... they get dropped. Hard.

Because surprise, surprise. I have black belts in both Capoeria and MMA. I go to the gym to lift up the metal weights twice a week.

He will be lucky to have a father looking out for him in that way. The whole essential incel problem comes down to shitty upbringings I think and having autism, if you are a manlet or ugly as fuck if you have charisma then you are still going to do okay for yourself. It's only really when ugliness and boring personality combine that you get the incel types. Anyway don't be too free with your son or he might end up resenting you and overprotect his son, these roles always seem to flip generation after generation, even though they do get less extreme each time
I was pointing out how 'you aren't entitled to women' is a non argument that has nothing to do with a guy complaining about his height. No one cares about dudes complaints, it's disgusting to women especially to see a whiney guy, just be honest about it though. Don't start hiding behind the 'you aren't entitled to my pussy' crap, no one is really saying they are


Fuck man, I want to get in shape. But I love teh foods ;(

Not if you change their addiction from food to opiates.

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I think he might have been joking, are you ESL or something?

This guy looks Jewish and also those moles are unsightly.

>I was merely born fat, it had nothing to do with me
you were also born a mentally ill incel. time to give up and hang

Be yourself does not mean don't improve. If you are fat, or insecure or depressive, being yourself means being honest about it and not pretending to be something else. You can and should still work on yourself.

Be yourself refers to the context of pickup. unless you are a master manipulator, you will not fool women about who you are

When the (((vaccine))) for COVID-19 finally arrives, and we're all forced to take it or lose out on essential services, what will be the best way to remove the nanotechnology the vaccine contains, that will keep us tracked for easy contact and reliability? Do you think a standard defibrillator will work? Or will something more extreme be necessary?

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>doing this to yourself for a chance at pussy
manlets really were a mistake, this is above memes

>nephew is in high school
>got rejected badly and asked me what to do
>told him to ignore her entirely and insult her if she makes an effort
>a month later he tells me he found a girl that actually puts out, and is actually happy he dropped the other one
>I might have saved him from the same mistakes I made

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A Bleach injection will dissolve the nanomachines

>bro just find an excuse to feel like shit about yourself and never improve

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All better looking than you tranny

I can relate to those guys.

Based, my parents gave me exactly the wrong messages about my oneitis. Why lie and reinforce movie shit?

being brought up in a household with no structure (ie you get to eat whenever you want) and parents who themselves do not eat or cook healthy meals you are much more likely to be fat. Even in to adulthood you default back to your childhood eating habits unless you forever make a conscious effort to change it.

It can tend to be more like 4-5 inches

all they had to do was just be themselves, sad!

I've heard if your mother is fat at the time you are born it literally changes your dna. Theres a lot of research going on about the fluidity of DNA and factors.

>born fat

Do Americans really think this?

What point are you even trying to make