ITT: Movies everyone has seen but you

ITT: Movies everyone has seen but you.

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All of the Harry Potters. I'll watch them when the opportunity arises.

Maybe not literally everyone, but most people who are at least somewhat into movies.

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Don't worry, a beautiful mind is pure concentrated garbage

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Any Godfather movie and any classic western movie.

lotr trilogy

those Marvel ones. I dont know anyone who's seen them either

the only correct versions to watch to are the rifftrax, puts them in their proper place ;)

That movie is shit, I really wouldn't bother watching it.

Also, never seen The Godfather trilogy.

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Ghost busters
is it really that good?



You didn't miss anything.

I've never seen any of the Narnia movies

I remember watching at least some of the old tv series as a kid

Haven't seen it either, fuck capeshit in any form.


>Star Wars
If I know the entire plot because of being parodied/spoilers then I'm not going to sit through it.

Marvel films.

All capeshit, actually.

Lord of the Rings

Star wars movies

Blade Runner, both 1982 and 2017 films.

Also: A Clockwork Orange

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most of marvel crap

cant stand this kind of movies

I haven't seen it either


Absolute garbage. Just look at this - Alfred Noble? Really? Noble? Not a single actor, producer, set decorator, stage hand, etc etc noticed this mistake? How is this even possible? A retarded movie made by retards.

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It's seriously overrated

ET, Star Wars, Home alone, Jurassic park, basically any Marvel film.

I can't stand Spielberg.

This went over my head.

I've seen it and it's shit

The Godfather, because I'm sure it's massively overrated by a bunch of faggots.