Villain hides in plain sight

>villain hides in plain sight

Attached: chriswatts.jpg (1280x720, 73.07K)

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Is he the most retarded killer ever?

Yeah I... eheh... I really just miss em ya know? Like..... I really do miss.. heh... you know... Kids running around the house... I miss yelling at em to eat their dinner or else they won't get their treats... Hehe, you know? I really uh... *laughs* wouldn't mind if they... heh... came back.....

If you're out there.... heh... like... please come home it's really not... eheh.. the same without you guys..... I really just want the home to feel complete again...

Lmao wtf someone Link the interview

Uhh... she was pregnant.

thats a hard call but yes

>massacring your genetic legacy over some sideways poon

The most psychopathic, yet cuck act I can think of

The girl was a butterface with fake boobs, the retard killed his family for that.

What was he thinking?

Attached: 0_THP_CHP_061218SLUG_3374JPG.jpg (1200x900, 58.14K)


looks like a friendly fella

not to mention she was in MLM

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oh my bad that was the wife

thread theme


not so fast, Chris

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the most anxious a single human has ever fel

>when your neighbor dabs on you

They were broke as fuck. If they would have gotten a divorce he would have been paying alimony as well as child support for three kids for 18 years.

Yeah, I'm thinking checked

Attached: americanpsycho.jpg (1252x704, 116.42K)

Always ask for a lawyer to be present lads

thinking about your sweet digits

He made the right choice but failed on the follow through

Fucking kino

>immediately blurts out "she was pregnant", probably without even fully comprehending what he saw on the television screen at this moment due to the immense stress he was feeling, relying solely on his subconscious

Attached: act of god.png (1366x768, 780.86K)

Must be kind of relieving now.
He'll never have to worry since things can't get worse.

he killed her because she demanded so much. He was making like 60K a year and he was living in a pretty huge McMansion in a Denver suburb. I know he didn't make that decision and he clearly was over his head in debt
she shouldn't have been killed but she's not blameless here, the kids are the real tragedy

imagine working hard to pay for your house and kids and you have a wife that does MLM where it's pretty much guaranteed that she's losing money

correct if youre a guilty murdering sinner you need a lawyer to help you get away with the murders

They literally didn't know he did anything and basically just talked him into admitting me did it when they interrogated him
Made him panic that he failed a polygraph test when they cant even use it in court, then he told the cops that he walked in on his wife killing his kids so he flew into a rage and killed her

He deserved what he got, but he talked himself into jail lel

She proudly told people she was a business owner and it turned out she made like $100/week. It just goes to show the type of person she was

this pic is fucking epic he just needs the sunglasses on his head

Dude was seeing someone else. He wanted to start a new life with his side-chick, but he gave in to his dark thoughts

I don't think he was planning to get away with it at all, dude just snapped. didn't he bury them at his workplace?

Boasting about how well you're doing is an essential part of marketing a pyramid scheme

Ya I'm just saying she was clearly wrapped up in image and probably bullied this simp into getting in over his head with their house and shit to appear to be wealthy

There are a lot of videos of her marketing that shit on YouTube, they're fascinating. She can ramble on for ages and ages without ever telling you what the fuck the product is.


>It just goes to show the type of person she was
Women aren’t people