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Investigate 311

>plane "bounced" off the building
that was the hologram glitching out.

I don't know what kind of sick man you have to be to laugh at the brave americans who died that day.

You're dads here.

I think he’s earned that right, he walked through the blood and the bones in the streets of Manhattan you know

>this single event ruined western society

Im sorry but did you just assume my gender?!

>3k+ dead mutts
9/11 best day of my life

bush already was an idiot, imagine if something like 9/11 happened under trump

>America=Western society

baby’s first shitpost

>implying the panic and fear as a result didn't ripple across the world: invasive technological advancements encouraging surveillance, etc

Didn't you hear? Bush is a hero now because he wanted more medical supplies or something in case of a pandemic.

They forgave his "stolen" first election, 9/11, and an erroneous war on Iraq that perpetuated the occupation of a failed experiment costing the country billions.

They did it again?

>They forgave his "stolen" first election

>I Like To Watch
>© Chris Korda / Church of Euthanasia (2001)


>I put my hand in my pocket - what do I feel?
>One-hundred and ten stories of concrete and steel
>I like to watch...

>That plane-shaped hole really gets me hot
>But the big ball of fire is the money shot
>I like to watch...

>I like to watch...
>The plane going in
>I like to watch...
>The flame shooting out
>People dive into the street
>While I play with my meat
>My steel melted, and my tower is coming down

>The New York skyline will never be the same
>But the guys who flew those planes had fucking amazing aim
>I like to watch...

>There must have been a reason, but I don’t understand
>Why they hit the Pentagon instead of Disneyland
>I like to watch...

>I like to watch...
>The plane going in
>I like to watch...
>The flame shooting out
>It’s raining broken glass
>While I sit on my ass
>My steel melted, and my tower is coming down

>I’d almost had enough of watching planes explode
>Until they showed it in reverse, and I had to shoot my load
>I like to watch...

>Now my hand’s all sticky, and I can’t find a rag
>I guess I’ll have to use... the American flag
>I like to watch...

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>Didn't you hear
No, sorry, i don't hear voices in my head who tell me things no one else said, unlike you i take my meds.

My grandfather's brother saw the entire thing from a nearby building. It traumatized him, he immediately gave up his successful career and moved out of New York.


Who was really behind the attacks?

How come the plane exploded and totally disappeared? Wouldn't it at least go all the way through the tower?

Israel and saudis.

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>Video unavailable
>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.

muh propaganda fake evidence invade iraq

Attached: paul_waler.gif (600x252, 2.34M)

Look at how mad this mutt is lol

still one of my favorite webums


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>brave americans
The only brave people were the 19hijackers who dabbed on the red, white and blue.

>this is just old historical footage for Zoomers
I was 11...

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Lmao shove a flag up your tight ass whiteboi

is it commonly agreed upon now that bush, cheney and rumsfeld were all aware the attacks were gonna happen and willingly allowed them to or will that still get you labeled as a nut?

like I'm not talking about the jet fuel and steel beams shit but there's just no fucking way they weren't in on it in some capacity.

Zoomers will literally never understand this, they'll think its takes for a youtube challenge

White incel males. As usual

Why is there no good 9/11 kino? The only movies that feature it just have it as a background character. I want a blockbuster movie about the planning and execution of the attacks.

Maybe it's because the real life footage is already kino.

>dabbed on the red, white and blue
he was actually the best friend america never asked for, slapping them on the face trying to wake them up; it's a tragic story

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United 93 is fucking kino. It's the closest.